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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Trump sends 7-year-old attacked at Democratic convention a signed 'MAGA' hat and other goodies

President Trump sent a gift package to the 7-year-old boy who was seen in a viral video with his mother being confronted by two women outside of the Democratic National Convention in Wilmington, Delaware, last month.
Students for Trump, a group led by Charlie Kirk, the CEO for Turning Point USA, tweeted a photo on Tuesday of assorted items, including a signed "Make America Great Again" hat, a mug, a water bottle, and a number of other presidential paraphernalia it said was delivered to the boy, Riley, and his mother, Abbey.


  1. democrats are disgusting foul wastes of space on the earth. The Trump supporters outnumbered the biden supporters 100 to 1 at the dnc. No problems with them whatsoever. Not even a piece of trash left on the ground On the other hand the democrats gathered at the RNC left a huge mess, destroyed things and attacked the President supporters democrats are all rank putrid trash not one worthy enough to even breath the same air as a Republican. democrats are all violent and homicidal lying losers

  2. Could I have Melania's lipstick prints on a cloth napkin, please?

    1. Head to SU. I'm sure there are plenty of he/she's would love to takecare of your request. Lol

    2. Transgender Football athletes @ Salisbury UniversitySeptember 5, 2020 at 8:20 PM

      243..... thats whats wrong with you straight people
      your always so mean and hurtful

    3. @2:43 What's your obsession with crossdressers and trans people. You really brought that up out of nowhere. Got a fetish?

    4. Don't you have someone to sue because you got butthurt?? Thousands of gay bakery in the US. But you only want a straight, very religious, and told you NO to bake your cake.
      GAYS ONLY DESTROY WHEN TOLD NO!!!! So much for tolerance, uh???

  3. WOW. I wish someone would steal my MAGA hat!! That kid made out okay.

  4. Should’ve sent him an AR 15 all ANTIFA/BLM need to feel the sting

  5. The baseball bat should be bigger. The kid might need it if he's white.

  6. And Hillary has the gall to call conservatives deplorable?! Democrats are so unhinged they sh** out of both ends.

  7. Joe would probably send one of his supporters some of his leg hair.

  8. He gave the kid everything but a CIA decoder ring.😀

  9. Way to go, President Trump! A great gesture. TRUMP 2020!!!!!!


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