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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

The What & The Why – Kill or Stop?


Criminals attack someone in the US every day. It’s a regular occurrence. And it happens often, although some uninformed people think it is rare. Whether it is rare or not means little to the person who is attacked. That person is faced with the decision of what to do. If he or she is carrying a gun, he or she has more options than the person who is not carrying.

If the person attacked decides to shoot the criminal attacker to defend him- or herself, where should the person aim? People who know little or nothing about self-defense or guns often say to aim for an arm or a leg and wound the attacker. Often if the police have to shoot a criminal and the criminal dies, the cry from those people is the cop should have just wounded the criminal. But that’s a naive and unrealistic position to take.

Before answering where to aim, let’s take a look at reality. People who attack others have a wide variety of differences both physically and mentally. And because of these differences, the attacker will continue the attack until one of two things happen. One thing that might happen is the attacker will choose to stop the attack. Many do, but only after being persuaded in some way to do so. Others will stop attacking only if they are physically unable to continue the attack.



  1. Black Teens attack whites 80% of the time when they ain't shooting each other!

    1. Democrats in white robesSeptember 2, 2020 at 4:47 AM

      Head shots or toss em a πŸ‰ Watermelon

    2. Exactly. They are taught to be RACIST from birth. Anywhere you go. Whatever you do. Watch when blacks are involved. It will always end up being a problem. They just can't help themselves. I was looking to buy a house last year. The only black family in the neighborhood were outside making noise, screaming and yelling making sure EVERYONE knew they were there. They just can't act normal. Always have to be loud and obnoxious.

  2. No, no, no. Shoot the criminal for fun.

  3. It is disturbing that a BLM movement is not concerned much about blacks killing blacks. Yet only when whites kill blacks. Selective shooting issues.

  4. Center-mass is what the Army taught me in MP school. I follow that rule today if need be.

  5. what a load of drivel! it's called center mass for a reason and the clip holds how many? empty it!

  6. Having read this article I would venture that most victims, armed or unarmed, are so traumatized that defense is moot. If armed, again I would venture a shot would be so random that a "hit" would be lucky regardless of where the bullet strikes. I have seen the result of large caliber "hits" while hunting and while I would defend my life, family, and property I would hate to have to use deadly force.

  7. You shoot to kill, period!

  8. Take this entire article and think about it. Now ask yourself, if someone is attacking me can I process every thought in the article in that small moment in time to decide what I can do? If the answer is NO (which it should be) then how in the hell can you be charged for a crime if you are defending yourself? Add the adrenaline and delay of processing (shock or surprise element as well) and tell me you can rationally be charged for self-defense?

    If someone values their life and safety then they should NOT attack you in the first place - Period!

    They get what they deserve if they do!

  9. You shoot / aim "center mass". "Center mass" is taught in all training sessions. Shoot to stop. If you hit another part of the body you will not be sued because you maimed someone.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: I would advise two shots at center of mass and a third shot to the head because body armor is available to even criminals these days.

  11. Always take the head shot. I carry a 45. Where ever I hit. You're toast.

  12. Skater Gun ..trust me ..i will not miss !! ..


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