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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Democrats Tell Supporters To Punch People Then Blame Trump When Riots Start

The most violence-ridden cities in American are run by Democrats. Why then, should they be trusted to lead an entire nation of more than 330 million people?

Democrats have recently joined forces in blaming President Trump of fanning the flames of violence. While this is nothing new, it is concerning evidence of a pattern among the left. More particularly, the party that seeks to lead the nation is unwilling to take responsibility for the misdeeds of its members and is always looking to blame others. Americans should not trust this party to lead them.

As reported by The Hill, Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) recently slammed the president’s scheduled visit to Kenosha, Wisconsin in wake of protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake. “I think his visit has one purpose and one purpose only, that is to agitate things and make things [worse],” said Bass. “What happened in Portland, [was] you saw a parade of Trump supporters actively shooting paintballs at peaceful protesters, and the president, in my opinion, encourages that. He actually retweeted the people firing paint guns, I think he only means to agitate things.”



  1. bring it on Homes

    I'll beat your ass all the way back to Africa

  2. Karen Bass must go to bed early if she doesn't see the riots in Portland every night. By the way - is she privileged - Bass like in shoes! Family elite who knows it allπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. We’re coming for you Marxists

  4. HALF of America is Democrat. This headline implies that 165 BILLION Americans support punching people, then when riots starts to blame Trump.

    The charge being made is wildly inaccurate, and just patently false, and it is framed in such a way as to be purposely misleading.

    When will we stop talking past each other? When will we stop misrepresenting each other? The kind of garbage journalism that is happening here is what the problem is. The problem ISN'T who is Republican or Democrat. It's the people using these terms to divide and control us, and as AMERICANS unified we need to stop this.

  5. More evidence the Democrats are losing....again. These attempts to undermine Trump are falling flat; Trump is reaching out while Biden cowers in his basement. The liberal left is covering for Biden but it is getting harder and harder for them every day.

  6. 7:35 Honey there isn't one decent democrat alive and that is a fact Every single one is garbage. All democrats are liars and all lie about everything including being Christians. That is what putrid rank wastes of air they are. They are fine with little black children getting gunned down but when a criminal dies they blame it on the police they go ballistic. This is not how humans are. They think it's okay to kill babies and harvest their organs for profit.

    1. Trump and his followers certainly follow the example of Jesus. They always tell the truth. They never demean anyone. They respect the views of others. The never put themselves before others. And they would never bow to self aggrandizing themselves.

  7. You assault someone when you enter their personal space. That is one (1) arms length from them. You get what you ask for then whether it is a beating or shot. Read the law.

  8. You assault someone when you invade their space whether you touch them or not. That is when you are closer than one (1) arms length from them. You get what you ask for when you are closer whether it is a beating or shot. Read the law, since that is also taught in self-defense seminars. Read the law.

  9. @ September 2, 2020 at 10:32 AM

    Sweetie, your sort of rhetoric and slander is precisely what is wrong with the nation right now. There a plenty of good Republicans and Democrats, in fact the majority of them are. The only people I would call garbage are the ones that let trash fall from their gobs like you just vomited up here. No one but God gets to decide who is a true Christian, but I can tell you that lying is a sin, and saying that any Democrat is fine with black children being gunned down is a bold faced lie, and its a sin. False witness is a sin, and you misrepresent pro choice supporters perspective, again, another sin.

    Sorry, sugar, but you've just got it all mixed up.

  10. Most can only blindside you because they are pussies. Just watch anyone who comes near you. I've had some fool's walk by me at times as if they wanted to punch. But if they sense you aren't going to let that happen. They do nothing.

  11. Well if you see a group of punks. You know what may happen.

  12. ". . .shooting paintballs at peaceful protesters" Oh, bull shite. More democrat lies. It's getting worse by the day. Agitated by democrats.


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