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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Fatal Portland shooting witness: 'Appalled' by 'people in the street celebrating' victim's death

Gabriel Johnson, a retired Marine who said he heard the gunshots that killed a man in Portland, Ore., on Saturday, told “Fox & Friends” on Monday that he was “appalled” by “all of the people in the street celebrating” his death.
Violent clashes between a massive pro-Trump caravan that drove through Portland and Black Lives Matter protesters left at least one person dead in a shooting Saturday evening, according to reports.
Video posted on social media showed a person suddenly dropping to the ground, and others rushing to assist, after what appears to be gunfire near an intersection as vehicles and pedestrians pass by.


  1. Remember my boomer friends, when you sit on those juries this is you who they are targeting. So when retaliation occurs against them vote not guilty. No matter what, not guilty.

  2. Bullchit,

    every 🏡 homeless person I've talked to claimed
    to be military

  3. Animals rejoicing for death.


  4. Why should anyone be appalled. Those celebrating are democrats. democrats aren't good decent people They are the dregs of society, the worst humanity has to offer.


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