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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Thanks To Coronavirus Panic, 1 In 10 American Families Is Now Home-Schooling

Is this a one-year coronavirus phenomenon, or will it change education?

Gallup released the results of a new poll on K-12 education last week, reflecting the post-COVID-19 landscape. Entitled “K-12 Parents’ Satisfaction with Child’s Education Slips,” the summary buried the lede in the bullet points: “[P]ercentage of K-12 parents homeschooling this year has doubled, to 10%.” You read that right. Gallup’s data suggests that, since last year, the home-school community in America has doubled in size. One in every 10 families with school-age children is now home-schooling.

The poll was careful not to conflate remote public-school instruction with true home-schooling. “Will your oldest child attend public, private, parochial, charter school — either in person or remotely — or will they home-school this year?” Gallup asked. “By ‘home-school,’ we mean not enrolled in a formal school, but taught at home.”



  1. There will be no cameras nor microphones installed in my home. Open the schools.

  2. We should expect and see a reduction in our property taxes to reflect the new trend in home schooling.

    Public school systems in the state have been a failure for years!

  3. And no brainwashing, hopefully this batch will be able to think for themselves.

  4. A lot of private schools are opening pretty much normal. This is why there needs to be school choice and vouchers. The democrats are so against school choice because they don't want black children going to the same private schools as their children.

  5. Good for them. Your kids will learn. Your kids will be SAFE.

  6. The more people who homeschool the more people will realize how deficient their kids are being taught in the public school. That is exactly why everyone is flipping out to get schools open. I guess they didn't think about that consequence of the agenda. Look how quick Hogan changed his mind. Get those kids back into the indoctrination quickly!

  7. Ha! They want to say it's fear of COVID making people homeschool? I am changing to home school here in Worcester County because
    1) Worcester County is forcing on line education with non of the benefits such as being able to take classes when it suits your schedule. They are maintaining control by forcing students to log in 6 hours a day 8 am-3 pm and taking attendance. If you don't comply you could be charged with truancy 2) Their return plan says that teachers have been re-trained to be sensitive to the stresses of COVID and racism that students have on them. Further down it says punitive discipline is to be the last resort and to expect push back when they do return to disciplining (if they ever do)- DUH? I don't think it is ever fair and likely to have a good end when you start out with one set of rules and then later put the screws down. Also I have taught my kids that it doesn't matter what your circumstances are, that is not an excuse to act out (and they have been through a lot). None of mine are going back.

    **Read this Return document thoroughly people! The discipline part is under the Operations and Safety plan.

  8. If my husband and I didn't have to work, I would be doing it too!

    1. 7:47
      You guys can always do it after work.

    2. There are programs all set up for your child where you can be less hands on. One is called Time 4 learning. But there are many of them. Look into. There are alot of myths to homeschooling.

    3. Or meet during lunch break to do it.

  9. Annette Wallace has risen so quickly because she is smart and capable and has chugged the Kool-Aid.
    Was probably a good teacher too; they always take the best ones and put them in as administrators

  10. If done well, homeschooling can be an incredible education. That is wonderful for the families who have the benefit of someone to stay home and make it happen. That being said, it is quite sad that good families where they want to but can't afford to make that or private school happen are stuck with their kids going to public school with the kids that have no one who cares about them or education and use it as a free babysitter. We need sterilization for welfare in this country- that'd fix it quick.

    1. 7:56
      Incredible if one has incredible parents.
      Not so much if the parents are embiciles.

      Do you feel stupid now?

    2. What's with the HATE 9:58?? You can't handle the truth?? Again you blame the parents. You must be a teacher with always blaming the parents for IMBECILE TEACHER'S.
      Those that can do?? DO!!
      Those that can't?? TEACH!

    3. I mean it is a good point. Plenty of parents looking for the way out. Plenty of good teachers, some not so good. Plenty of bad parents, some good. People expect way to much from teachers. It isn't babysitting. There is zero doubt, most homeschooled hav parents that care. It isn't easy to teach a kid. Even if you are paid to do it.

  11. 12:56 Quit acting like you are some hard core slave because you are not and we all know you will fold like a deck of cards, as you have before and will continue to do!!! You people don't care about kids, hell you don't even care about your own self!!

  12. Some parents have gotten together and are forming what they are calling pods. They get together with other parents of school age children and are hiring substitute teachers to teach classes A few even have purchased office trailers and put them on parents property to use as "schools" They are even naming these schools. I've seen this at least a dozen times on FB. One is in Chester Co PA I love this idea and is what I would be doing if I had school age children.

  13. School vouchers needed NOW!! PASS IT


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