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Friday, September 04, 2020

Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will

The scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes.

Kenosha, Wisconsin is situated in the southern part of the state, about an hour and a half from Chicago, and has a population of approximately 100,000. Republican Rep. Bryan Steil, who represents Kenosha in Wisconsin’s First Congressional district, told The Federalist the city “is like a lot of cities in Wisconsin.” Steil says Kenosha is “family-centered” and “hard-working.”

Kenosha became a very different place after police shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times. Subsequent video footage showed that Blake was armed with a knife and had been wrestling with officers, threw off a Taser, and was disregarding police commands to stop after they were called to address a domestic violence complaint.



  1. Typical BS lines I have heard my entire life Keep your powder dry
    Civil war is coming
    Locked and loaded
    I’m ready

    Typical “patriot or oath keepers” talk and it ended up being a 17 year old kid went armed to protect the community. Now he is jail solitary confinement wearing a paper gown. To all the mouthy civil war is coming types where are you ? Walking in a grocery store wearing a mask with your head down and snitching on people not social distancing?ONE DOCTOR said Do not leave your home and China has a great lock down plan. Not your doctor just a doctor you have never met and you OBEYED
    Civil war is here and has been since March and everyone fell in line. I do not condone violence just stating the obvious. Maybe sell your “ powder” and buy a treadmill and focus on not saying dumb sh&@ you can get called on. Thank you

  2. From The Hill & via msn.com:

    "Kenosha police said they arrested a total of 175 people between Aug. 24, when protests erupted after the police shooting of Jacob Blake, and Sunday as of 12:30 p.m.

    Of the 175 arrests, 102 listed addresses from outside of Kenosha, police said. Arrest numbers include people from 44 different cities, police said."

    This is a media & corporate sponsored revolution. WAKE UP!


  3. ANY person with common sense and virtue DOES NOT bring a gun to a peaceful demonstration. You bring a gun to WAR. Fire with Fire, maybe bring a feather.

    1. 9:45
      Naive much?

    2. Hey 945: Attempting to set buildings on fire is not a peaceful demonstration

  4. In the absence of police a peaceful demonstration can turn into rioting and looting with the efforts of just a few people and a herd of sheep.

    Sheepdogs protect. Wolves eat.


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