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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Biden and Harris Attack Police in New Campaign Ad as Violent Riots Continue Across America (VIDEO)

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris attacked police in a new campaign ad as violent rioters destroy small businesses and threaten residents.

It’s open season on police officers as Marxists call for the defunding of police.

Police officers now have targets on their backs thanks to the Democrat-media complex.

Police officers are being violently beaten, run over and murdered.



  1. Stupid asses will Never get anywhere, let alone elected, going against

    I am glad these TRAITORS are dumb enough to believe that will get them
    anywhere !!! Love it > Shure WIN for my TRUMP !!! LOL LOL LOL

  2. It’s actually futile at this point to talk about the fbi data on shootings. Doesn’t matter anymore. Joe Wrote the crime bill and Harris enforced it but whatever I could careless. I’m voting trump in October and going about my life.

  3. Refusing to be honest about these police shootings is another one of the major difficulties facing the black community. They have many many major character flaws and this is one. They won't admit any of these shooting are justified if their life depended on it. Being honest people is not something they place any value on. Just like a black life is not something they value They are liars. They teach their youth it is okay to murder by ignoring the epidemic of black on black murders and shootings Most even lie about being christian. This is one of their biggest lies. Many churches are closing because of corona most all are black God sent the plague to close these places where people to to play christian for an hour and then go out and lead the most sin filled life of any other race on earth. God will also reign his punishment for them walking with the devil blm the black on black murder rates shootings are going to set records like no one has seen. All god's doing to punish bad people who lie about the police.

  4. This won’t start more riots it’s actually warm and uplifting message. Democrats hate violence and war. Matter of fact never has the Democrats been violent to any particular group. Never ever.

    1. Haha your sarcasm wasn’t lost

  5. Proves How Radical & Insane the Demon-crats have become !!!

    No chance in Hell they ever get elected in AMERICA !!! Maybe Russia !!

  6. Keep on attacking police & see where that gets you !!! STUPID


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