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Monday, September 14, 2020

Racial Discrimination and the Loss of Yesterday's Spiritual Courage

In matters of race and other social phenomena, there is a tendency to believe that what is seen today has always been. For black people, the socioeconomic progress achieved during my lifetime, which started in 1936, exceeded anyone’s wildest dreams.

In 1936, most black people lived in gross material poverty and racial discrimination. Such poverty and discrimination is all but nonexistent today.

Government data, assembled by Robert Rector of The Heritage Foundation, shows that “the average American family … identified as poor by the Census Bureau, lives in an air-conditioned, centrally heated house or apartment … They have a car or truck. (Indeed, 43% of poor families own two or more cars.)”

The household “has at least one widescreen TV connected to cable, satellite, or a streaming service, a computer or tablet with internet connection, and a smartphone. (Some 82% of poor families have one or more smartphones.”



  1. As do many poor whites especially those on SSI disability Fraud and pretending they are better than the rest.

  2. And that will include welfare fraud 4:11 too... race has NOTHING TO DO WITH STEALING..all races steal. This article is about quality of life. I understand that being on the dole does make one bitter..maybe you should get an education or work harder instead of sucking off your parents

  3. Thank you I am comfortably well retired having made my own living and don't await a social security check every month.

  4. 4:43

    I think the stats would disagree with your assertion.

    Blacks overwhelmingly commit the most crimes. As a result they encounter police more and then disregard authority.....well you know the rest.

    I for one, think that this civil disobedience should be met with strong enforcement up to and including shoot to kill.

    If these people don't want to be civilized then they should be removed from civilization. Permanently.


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