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Monday, September 14, 2020

Horrid Leftists Egg Little Children at Rally for GOP Candidate Lauren Witzke in Delaware

On Sunday little children were egged by leftists in Delaware. The children were with their family at a rally for Republican Lauren Witzke for US Senate.

Lauren released video of two children after leftists egged them. One little girl has egg in her hair. A little boy has egg on his shirt.

This is the modern day left. They even terrorize and abuse children.


  1. Democrats should be ashamed. I'm starting to question the mental health of people I know who think the Dems are okay. How anyone, educated or not, can condone the things that the Dems, and those in the name of Dems, are doing has no soul.

  2. Why would you take your kids to such an event. They should have egged the parents too.

    1. You belong in Nazi Germany... in fact why don’t you post your name and I’ll give you the opportunity to egg me

    2. Please let me help with that. The part that comes after the “egging.” 4:13 must be a leftist dem.

    3. To teach them how the wheel goes around. It won’t be taught in school. I took my child with me to vote years ago. I wanted to teach how the system operates. I was surprised to have to separate from a ten year old because he wasn’t allowed to go with me to the little screen in plain view. Not a booth, but to stand beside me. I know they had rules so I went along and could keep a close eye on him while I voted.

    4. 4:13 Spoken like a true idiot liberal. You are why Trump will win again ;)

    5. A cowardly one at that

  3. Children have always been the victims of democrats. Democrat policies have always harmed children. None have ever benefited children. That we are seeing it physically now should come as no surprise since only garbage belongs to that party and they are all very violent and homicidal. This is why we the good people have to be vigilant. Do not let you child associate with the child of a democrat. Nothing good will ever come out of it. Teach your child to look down on the children of democrats as they are beneath us. We are better then then.

  4. "Anonymous said...
    Why would you take your kids to such an event. They should have egged the parents too.

    September 14, 2020 at 4:13 PM"

    What in the hell kind of trash raised you? A whore worthless mother and a loser sperm inserter father obviously. I hope they both if they aren't already dead and in hell get cancer and suffer for months before they die and go to hell. or get some other fatal illness And then you too get one and suffer. It's uncivilized and disgusting to think children shouldn't be able to attend political rallies.

  5. Delaware dumocrats love to attack children. They are so brave. Bidens people are ASSHOLES. Just look at Delaware?? It's known as THE SMALLEST SHITHOLE!!

  6. If they were hard boiled it would have been an innocent Easter Egg hunt with Red White and Blue dye.

  7. Eggs ar good for kids but bad for today’s parents.

  8. looks like Coon.s goons missed Miss Witzke and splatted little children with eggs

  9. There is going to be a war.
    It will not end well for dumbocrats.

  10. 4:13 Now it's the parents fault?? You douchebag.

  11. Why are the Democrats egging anyone? Both sides should be able to state their opinion. Democrats attack. The definition of anarchy.

  12. The kids got splattered with eggs, cried, got hugged, cleaned up, went home, had ice cream, were tucked into bed. It’s not liked they were torn from their mothers’ arms, photographed, processed, and put into cages by uniformed government officials.

    1. Yep 7:48. That started and happened under Obama. Thanks for reminding all of us.

  13. Look at that video. I have been to Halloween gatherings years ago when eggs were thrown.
    There would not have been shell pieces like that in the hair. The egg would have cracked and oozed down and with the yolk most of the shell would have oozed down. The parent of that child should be ashamed for allowing her to be a prop.
    I am not saying eggs weren’t thrown because I wasn’t there but that is not the result you would have gotten. Someone added egg shells to that child’s head. If you ever lived on a farm and had an egg thrown at you by your brother...you would know this😃


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