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Monday, September 14, 2020

Lancaster Police Release Body Camera Footage of Suspect With Knife Lunging at Police Prior to Shooting

The Lancaster Police Department has released body camera footage of the adult male suspect lunging at police with a knife, prompting the fatal officer involved shooting.
A violent mob of Black Lives Matter lunatics had already converged at the scene and began causing trouble before any information was released about the incident.

The Department also released information about the call that led up to the shooting. It turns out that Ricardo Munoz’s sister had called police because he was attempting to break into their mother’s home.

Immediately following the shooting, rumors began to circulate on social media that the man had been a 14-year-old kid with autism, something that clearly was not the case. Munoz was 27 years old.

Munoz had a similar encounter with police in 2019 after he stabbed four people.



  1. The thug got what he deserved.

  2. Follow the money!!! protesting every criminals demise shooting is not working.. Seal team six needs to hunt down soros cease his assets and hopefully take him out forever and his creepy sleezy son too. WHO DO YOU THINK is paying THESE SUBVERSIVES to show up!!!

    1. Not just soros, musk, Nike bill gates etc

  3. It looks justified to me, dude was chasing him with a knife.
    If this was you, you would have protected yourself too!

  4. Exactly what happens in 99.9999999 percent of police shootings completely justified as usual

  5. That was some “John Wick” stuff. Daaammmnn

  6. Great example of why EVERY cop should be armed with a body cam. Comment sense way of protecting citizens and officers. Too bad plenty of clowns on this board screamed bloody mary when Obama proposed the idea and sought to put federal funding into it.

  7. 100 percent justified but blacks because most are trash and liars will say the officer murdered him.

  8. Who F**KING CARES?? When dumbass fight with cops?? You may DIE. UNDERSTAND THUGS??? So tired of excuses with these POS. He's mental. He's this. He's that. Well he's Dead now.

  9. I think a social worker could have talked him down. Please,please,double please put down the knife.

  10. 3:27

    Add a few more decimal places.

    Hey blackie, you don't want to get shot then QUIT COMMITTING CRIMES!

  11. So, his body should be thrown in the local garbage dump and the family should be billed for the cost of the bullet.


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