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Friday, September 04, 2020

Mississippi to decide on flag with magnolia to replace confederate flag

Mississippi voters will decide on whether to accept a new state flag with a magnolia to replace one that was shelved for featuring a Confederate battle emblem.

The new design — which includes the state flower on a dark blue background — was approved Wednesday by a flag commission and will appear on the ballot come November.

The magnolia flag was chosen by the commission out of more than 3,000 designs submitted for competition.

If voters reject the new design, the process will start over and the state will be without a flag for some more time.

The commission said it will promote the magnolia design ahead of the November election by calling it the “In God We Trust” flag.



  1. I think Mississippi should have just a plain white flag to signal the surrender to these idiots.

  2. Magnolias grew on most plantations in the south where the owners had SLAVES.

    Magnolias = Bad

  3. I would rather be flagless.

  4. In God We Trust ...Makes It 100% A-Ok !

  5. How can you go wrong using the state flower?

    1. Because if Maryland put a black eyed susan on a flag the race riots would ensue.

  6. I’m black and fly the confederate flag because I’m from the south and appreciate my heritage

    1. Thank you! Me too!

    2. Barry, what did we tell u about the phone is not a toy. Now go feed Mooochelle some more food!

  7. Federal Govt needs to STOP this bullshhht ALL 50 states NOW 2020 !!

    STOP Erasing American History & Culture !!!

  8. Tell me how your going to have a motto "IN GOD WE TRUST" and not have a back lash.

  9. "In God we trust" for the rebel flag is a good trade.

  10. Put Back our Southern Flag & all Statues 2020 !!!!

  11. Why not just arbitrarily make it a beach towel? That' what Jake Day did!

  12. How freaking GAY is that!

  13. How many times do the voters have to vote to keep the battle flag on their state flag??

    Just like that Homo faggot Len Foxwell constantly trying to instigate in the Talbot County Council to remove the Talbot Boys statue. Len Foxwell isn't even a natural-born citizen of Talbot County.

  14. The confederate flag should have never been removed it represented a war between the Union & the CONFEDERATES that's history no matter how hard you try to erase it. All the statues and confederate flags should be as they were. The truth is BLM should be removed because it is racist only depicts one race and entitlement to be what they think is the ONLY RACE.

  15. They want to remove everything that had to do with slavery, except the democrat party. And the majority of them are a member of it. A member of the party of slavery. Look it up if you do not believe me that democrats ARE slavers. You have sold your souls for a few trinkets. Sad.


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