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Friday, September 04, 2020

Virginia expects to begin distributing $300-a-week unemployment supplement in late September

The Virginia Employment Commission said Thursday it expects to begin distributing $300-a-week in additional unemployment benefits in “about two and a half weeks,” which would fall on the week of Sept. 20.

Joyce Fogg, a spokeswoman for the commission, said in an email that text messages will go out to eligible recipients within the next week.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency approved Virginia’s application to participate in the relief program at the end of last month. President Donald Trump announced the aid after Congress was unable to reach a deal to extend the $600-a-week emergency benefits that expired in July.

It remains unclear how long the benefits will last, but officials have said they will be paid retroactively to Aug. 1.


  1. A great way for vending companies to profit from their political donations. I’m sure the favored vendors are connected as they say.

    This is how Facism works.
    The merger of corporate interests with government interests. Resulting in extreme graft of the Treasury.

  2. How about FREE Condoms too !!!

    1. Been giving them out for nearly fifty years.

  3. It's not Fri. Sept. 4th yet!!!

    1. You haven’t worked in 30 years

  4. And this is a problem how...?

  5. My Dad designed and built a vending machine into mass production. I own the patent on it now. I collect money doing nothing and everyone hates me for it. Why? I have multiple homes, 3 Harley’s and business that is just fun to have and I don’t care if it makes Money. A lot of haters

    1. I understand this. A lot of people hate anyone who has anything. And most want what you have without working for it.

    2. 2:09- Well lookie here, two narcissistic idiots. No gives two sh!ts about you two! The fact you are complaining about how well you're doing just screams you're both full of it. Stop lieing all the time and maybe you'll finally get some friends.

  6. 12:22- You're hated for lying to everyone all the time. Also, who would give a sh!t if you owned 3 Harley's? I have a 80 thousand dollar stock portfolio. I saved, invested, and did it myself. Believe me, no one hates you for the made up accomplishment of your Daddy. What a sad sack you are to post such a moronic comment. Pathetic.

    1. 80 K would last what ? A year

    2. 9:39- How much will a used Harley get you? That 80k was 67k in June. I have a looong way to go before I touch any of it. By then, it will be well over a million. I started 6 years ago with $250. You clearly have no plans for the future! 80k would last me a lot longer than a year! On top of that is my savings, my real property, and a Roth IRA. You can keep trolling me, but it's apparent you know nothing.

  7. These lazy bums who don't want to work gets $300 a week, $15,600 a year for doing nothing and contribute nothing.

    Seniors on SSI get the shaft, since this same government wants to cut SSI benefits and then raise taxes to support SSI. Why don't we get at least $300 extra a month, $3,600 a year, since we have contributed and still paying the taxes?

    Seniors have the same living expenses and medical expenses. Their SSI will cost the government $12,000 less a year. Seniors still have to work through their problems to make ends meet and are paying taxes.

    These lazy bums are sitting around doing nothing and feel they deserve this something for nothing. WHAT A JOKE.

  8. 8:56 That's $300.00 additional, that's on top of what ever their normal unemployment benefits are! Makes me sick! There are help wanted and "now hiring" signs up all over the place!

  9. 12:22. Since patents only allow inventions to be protected for 20 years I'd think your gravy train would be close to running out by now. Once the 20 years are up all you will have is a pretty certificate to hang on your wall.

    1. 10:17- I thought the samething, but I prefer not to talk out my AS$, like 12.22!

  10. Some of you just don’t get it.
    Many of us Trump voting decent people are still out of the jobs we worked our whole lives because Democrats and never Trumpers want to make COVID hurt as much as possible for political gain. Hogan is one of them. This was the same tactic Obama used to make the Federal shutdown hurt as much as possible.
    I have paid income taxes and SS withholding my whole life. They can give it back to me until they open everything back up and the work starts to flow again.

    1. Actually, how this is supposed to work, is you find a new job. Not sit at home and milk the system. People lose their jobs all the time for all kinds of reason. Plenty of other jobs out here. It is why normally unemployment makes you constantly look for work, which this has been suspended for some reason this time.

  11. All State Govts should Have to deal out supplemment $$$$ for

    their state's people . Not just the Federal Govt doing everything !!!

    Right now they have done NOTHING & their piss ass Unemployment amt
    is a JOKE & way too LOW !!!

    Make Maryland do $600 + per week per person !!!

  12. 11:07am. I'd say respectfully that it is you the "Trump voting decent people" who "just don't get it". Quit blaming Democrats for your completely incompetent president and his utter failure to provide any sort of leadership to mitigate the damage caused by this pandemic. All he does is blame, blame blame. Nothing is his fault. And with respect to Obama, He led the longest period of economic recovery and expansion in US history. Get out of your Fox News / SBY News bubble.

    1. 1:56- Wrong, respectful idiot. His first attempts to stop traffic from China was called Xenophobic. Then he was impeached. His proven suggested treatment has been banned from any sort of validation by Social media moguls, because they know more than doctors. I can keep going, while you are the one playing the democratic blame game, that it is all Trump's fault. That is why, respectfully, you are that "special" kind of stupid.

    2. Well I just can’t argue with such well reasoned facts. LOL.

    3. 12:22- We all already knew that. Maybe you should leave whatever stupid bubble you fester in. Also, no Obama did not lead the longest recovery and expansion in US history. Where did you hear that load. "LOL."


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