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Friday, September 04, 2020

Richmond judge orders Kanye West removed from Virginia presidential ballot

A Richmond judge ruled Thursday that state elections officials should bar rapper and entrepreneur Kanye West from Virginia’s presidential ballot.

Circuit Court Judge Joi Taylor found that 11 of the elector oaths West submitted “were obtained by improper, fraudulent or misleading means” or are otherwise invalid because of notary violations and misconduct.

The judge ordered state elections officials to prohibit anyone from printing West's name on state ballots for the Nov. 3 election, finding that the notice of qualification the Department of Elections issued for West on Aug. 28 "is contrary to Virginia law, and is therefore, invalid."

In localities where ballots already have been printed, the judge directed state elections officials "to provide notice to voters of Kanye West's disqualification."

West, a former backer of President Donald Trump, has denied that he was a GOP plant meant to divert votes from Joe Biden.


  1. Tell me we don't have corrupt judge's making up laws from the bench. He did everything he needed to be on the ballot. Yet another corrupt politician unconstitutional judge says no. How can we keep our country after 300 year's?? If our judicial system continues to make up Law's and make unlawful decisions from the bench. For 4 year's now we have seen democrats pull treasonous Acts and walk free. While Republicans who been accused with FALSE accusations go to jail.

  2. Remove him from AMERICA too !!!!


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