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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Al Sharpton: Defunding police is something ‘a latte liberal' may like, but ‘proper policing’ is necessary

MSNBC’s Al Sharpton said Tuesday that defunding the NYPD is something “a latte liberal' may support, but “people living on the ground need proper policing.”

“Morning Joe” namesake Joe Scarborough asked Sharpton about the crime in his native New York City, which has seen a surge in shootings during the coronavirus pandemic.

Scarborough brought up the “defund the police” movement – which demonstrators have been calling for across the country, since the death of George Floyd in police custody in late May – noting that some feel it would largely impact minorities and people in already unsafe neighborhoods.

“We need to re-imagine how we do policing, but ... to take all policing off is something a latte liberal may go for as they sit around the Hamptons discussing this as an academic problem. But people living on the ground need proper policing,” Sharpton said.


  1. Probably the most sensical thing he's ever said.

  2. This dirt-bag must actually have one active brain-cell between his ears!

    That's one of the most intelligent things he has EVER said!

    1. Nah, the dude is afraid he won’t have protection. He knows they will turn on him like the dog after a rabbit. He needs someone to call for help.....pole...lease. He may get the peace prize they are dangling over the good president, for his concern in humanity.

  3. Police are NOT going anywhere !!! Common Sense !!! FACT

  4. MSNBC should be ashamed to be associated with such a blatant racist, he insights more infighting and flames every subject and person with a real heart. How about making him pay his taxes for a start!

  5. Can't believe I'd ever agree with something Sharpton said.

  6. When the battery dies and stops the hands of a clock, the time reads right twice a day.

  7. Its a help monger for the extreme left for votes for Hiden.I remember back in the 80,s when he was a real fat loud mouth he protested across the Brooklyn bridge in demand that more blacks need to own Gasoline Service stations. He was full of $hit then and almost 40 years later he is still full of $hit.

  8. You know the end is near when Sharpton and I agree on something.

  9. Those who want to Defund & Abolish Police , then Don't Ever call for one

  10. Yeah he knows if there is no more police to protect his ass then he's going to have to hire private security. Also if all their demands are met and no police to have "police brutality" marches he loses a pay check. What a worthless POS.

  11. When there are no police then we are on our own. 2a becomes the law of the land. Justice will be delivered at the end of a gun. Again we would end up a 3rd world country.

  12. It seems good ole is getting nervous. He knows these fool's won't be listening to his DUMBASS. He might be their next target.

  13. Sharpton (the Racist) knows he needs police, or he would be DEAD !!!

  14. Without police there is NO Law to protect the good people !! FACT


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