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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Governor Hogan Announces Beginning of Stage Three of Maryland’s COVID-19 Recovery, Additional Safe and Gradual Reopenings

Movie Theaters, Live Entertainment Venues Permitted to Reopen, Capacity Increased From 50% to 75% at Retail Shops and Religious ServicesStage Three Will Continue Flexible, Community-Based Approach; Jurisdictions to Decide Timing of ReopeningsMaryland Collaborates with Apple and Google on Launching State-of-the-Art Exposure Notification Tool
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that, based on the state’s improving health metrics, Maryland will begin to move into Stage Three of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery,’ with additional safe and gradual reopenings. As with Stages One and Two, Stage Three will be implemented in multiple phases with a flexible, community-based approach that empowers individual jurisdictions to make decisions regarding the timing of reopenings.
“As we move into this third and final stage of our recovery, I want to sincerely thank our doctors, nurses, and public health officials, our small business community, and, most importantly, the people of Maryland who have pulled together over the last five months to respond to this unprecedented challenge with incredible courage and perseverance,” said Governor Hogan. “It is thanks to all of you that we have crushed the curve and saved lives, and that our state response to this global pandemic continues to serve as an example for the rest of the nation.”
As part of the state’s initial entry into Stage Three, Governor Hogan announced the following additional safe and gradual reopenings:
  • INDOOR THEATERS. Indoor theaters where live performances occur or motion pictures are shown may open to the general public at 50% capacity, or 100 people per auditoriumwhichever is lesswith appropriate health and safety protocols in place.
  • OUTDOOR VENUES. Outdoor venues where live performances occur or motion pictures are shown outdoors may open to the general public at 50% capacity, or 250 peoplewhichever is lesswith appropriate health and safety protocols in place.
  • RETAIL AND RELIGIOUS FACILITIES. Capacity for retail establishments and religious facilities may increase from 50 to 75 percent.
Read the governor’s order.Read reopening guidance for theaters.
MARYLAND PARTNERS WITH APPLE AND GOOGLE ON EXPOSURE NOTIFICATIONS EXPRESS. The governor announced today, in collaboration with Apple and Googlethat Maryland will be one of the first states to deploy a new exposure notification tool to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Exposure Notifications Express is designed to help public health officials more quickly and easily provide notifications for their residents about potential COVID-19 exposure and guide them on recommended actions. This new technology will be optional for users.
SCHOOLS. The governor thanked the State Board of Education for voting to require those school systems that have not developed a plan for returning any students for any in person instruction until 2021 to reevaluate their reopening plans by the end of the first quarter. Last week, the governor announced that, as a result of improved COVID-19 health metrics, every county school system in Maryland is authorized to begin safely reopening, but made clear that the legal authority and final decision making on safe openings rests with county boards of education. Guidance to support the safe reopening of schools can be found here.
YOUTH SPORTS. The governor reiterated that while counties may issue more restrictive rules, state health officials issued an order on June 12 allowing all youth sports gatherings and events to begin resuming. “County governments of course, by law, do have the power to be more restrictive, but it is the position of the State of Maryland that our young people should have the opportunity to play sports this fall, and we are encouraging local health officials to reassess their guidelines,” said Governor Hogan. 
ELECTIONS. The governor noted that, as of today, and after asking them to immediately do so nearly eight weeks ago, the State Board of Elections has mailed out ballot applications to every Maryland voter. Marylanders are strongly encouraged to take advantage of voting by absentee ballot or to participate in early voting. Those who choose to vote in-person on Election Day are encouraged to do so at off-peak times to avoid long lines and crowds.
Additionally, through the recruiting efforts of the Hogan administration, more than 11,000 Marylanders have signed up to serve as election judges. The governor continues to urge local election boards to immediately contact and train these election judges and poll workers.
Visit governor.maryland.gov/recovery for more information about the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.’


  1. Why don’t they make election day three or four days in a row and they go by alphabetical order of your last name are these people stupid or what nobody has a brain in the government I guess

    1. Because people will forget if they've vote or not, seriously

  2. I agree. Great idea!!

  3. 6:38 early voting open on Oct 26 until the Mon before election day. Seven days a week from 7am to 8pm. I early voted in Wor Co for several years and more then one time I was the only person voting. Other times no more then about 3 or 4 people. I never waited in a line early voting ever. I go during the day

  4. But schools still won't open until February because of the unions...๐Ÿ™„

    1. That is not true and don't speak about things you do not know anything about. A lot of schools are planning to start small groups soon. They will work up to allowing all kids. Hogan acted crazy. You can not say all is safe one week before school starts after schools have been planning based around Hogan's closures. Of course he all of a sudden has to open a bunch of stuff up because if you can't gather how can you have school? This just goes to show covid is being used to fit an agenda.

    2. You must be a teacher who doesn’t want to work.

    3. 9:09. I am not a teacher. I would not want that job for the pay they make. They deserve way more respect then they get. I did homeschool my children along with my regular job though so maybe I am a teacher. I do know the truth so I spoke it. Also, it is true. Hogan had to open things up. How in the world can you keep so much closed and restricted yet allow schools to open. Not sure why you thought I taught. It's a rude assumption. Teachers are not the issue here so take your judgment where it belongs.

  5. WHEREAS The only thing I care about is when can I sit at a bar with some friends during Happy Hour and have a cocktail served to me.
    WHEREAS I still don't know after reading all that crap.
    Could you shove all the legalese and just friggin' say it?

  6. 738p...not true. Washington county just voted tonight to start bringing kids back in 2 weeks. Zoom calls have been such a mess the teachers want to go back now.

  7. Doesn't matter Larry, your gone in the next election and I don't think living in MD is going to be a good choice for you. I personally recommend each and every single business owner to bar him from their stores. Persecute the man until he leaves the state. He had not a care whether you were made homeless or had your business destroyed over this anti-Trump hoax.

  8. Does this mean Salisbury government will reopen. Public records have not been updated since March. Your deed is still in someone else's name - good luck with that! Real mess when they do go back to work. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Schools will punt until after the holidays - regardless of what we think.

    Memorial Day/July 4th/Labor day. Seems to be a pattern with Larry on the Corner. As much as he dislikes OC (so it seems) he/Rickie Beerinhan seems to like holiday weekends.

    Ugh just cuz we have no control of those who visit and leave their trash all over the place. I remember the days when visitors were much more respectful. Now - we are lucky to get trash removed on the old daily basis.

    Anyway, sure would like a Natural Light for $2...just have to wait until the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bourbon until then!

  10. @731 You can't be serious. Due more respect? JFC people place them on pedestals like they are to be worshipped while they sit quiet collecting 60-100k a year for indoctrinating children in ways that they know should not occur. They give not a F about anything other than their paychecks. GTFOH.


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