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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

China Enjoys Financial Recovery as COVID-19 Batters Global Economy

After shuttering its factories earlier in the year, China is showing optimistic signs of a recovery from the financial damage wrought by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a barometer of the country's economic health.
A measure of the mood among services and construction firms has shown that last month saw the fastest growth in China's non-manufacturing sector for more than a year and a half, while other data showed the fastest expansion in manufacturing in nearly a decade.
The non-manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) for August was 55.2, according to China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Monday—a jump of one point from the previous month and the highest rate of expansion since January 2018, the South China Morning Post reported.


  1. That was the plan to begin with you big dummy’s

  2. China and Democrats working together

  3. Someone tell me how the person that hires illegals and has a landscape business next to the Nithsdale community, keep his business going if he was supposed to close down? I never saw any reduction in his illegals every time I went pass there. Should there be an investigation or does he know someone?


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