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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Trey Gowdy: CIA May Stop Giving Adam Schiff Information Because He Leaks ‘Like A Screen Door On A Submarine’

Former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy predicted Sunday that the U.S. intelligence community might stop providing information to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff because he leaks “like a screen door on a submarine.”

Gowdy was asked to weigh in on Republicans’ decision Thursday to call on Schiff to step down as chairman of the House panel.

“Never seen that before,” said Gowdy, who served on the intelligence panel before leaving Congress in January. “We never voted to remove or ask a chairperson to step down.”

“Adam is a deeply partisan person. He did everything he could to make sure Hillary Clinton became president. And he’s done everything he could to keep a cloud over the Trump presidency,” Gowdy said of Schiff.



  1. “like a screen door on a submarine."

    I always liked that phrase.

    Regarding leaks, I wonder if now they'll slow down now that Schiff doesn't have official access to unprotected Intel and data. They should have pulled a false Intel trap on him.

  2. Trey you were instrumental in the role of useful idiot during James Comey bs

  3. Not sure what 9:52 pm means. Enlighten me please. I think Trey is our hero.

  4. Just tell him the pencil sharpener is working fine and to move on.


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