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Saturday, September 26, 2020

GOP report claims Hunter Biden paid women linked to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’

Among the deluge of explosive claims tucked inside the new Senate Republican report about Hunter Biden’s business dealings is the allegation that the Democratic presidential nominee’s son has a history of paying Russian or Eastern European women linked to sex trafficking.

While the 87-page report, which was released on Wednesday, provided few specific details regarding the allegation, it pointed to a number of Russian- and Ukrainian-connected transactions.

“Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an ‘Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring,’” read the report from the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Finance Committees.

The GOP report did not link Biden in any way to trafficking but suggested that he potentially paid prostitutes, presumably without knowledge, who may have stemmed from such rings.

“There is extensive public reporting concerning Hunter Biden’s alleged involvement with prostitution services,” the report said.


  1. Well come on man. He did get a stripper pregnant. He's a horny drug addict. He's been that way for year's. If you were to drug test him?? He'd light up like a firecracker. Typical rich boy. Got away with everything. Never held accountable. Daddy always paved the way. When he did get into trouble. It was never reported. Daddy's buddies covered it up. Hell his brother wasn't cold yet when he was bopping his sister in-law.

  2. I wonder how many other love children that Hunter pervert Jr. has around the world.

  3. They were male prostitutes

    Hunter is bi sexual, and there is nothing you can do

    1. He's a lowlife and there's nothing you can do.

  4. Bidens had it made in the shade with Daddy ,
    son , & Bill Clinton in Wild orgys & plenty
    of $$$$$ to play with !!!

    & since they are Above the Law, No punishment

  5. Shure Bidens were friends with Epstein too &

    frequented Pedifile Island many times !!!

  6. Biden PAID for under age GIRLS not women !!!

  7. No Justice in America until Bidens,Hillary,
    Bill Clinton ,Obama , Lynch ,Comey , FBI dirt
    Brennan ,Clapper go to PRISON !!!

  8. Tonight the Bidens Can't be HIDING !!!

    Trump will eat them ALIVE !!! MAGA Love it

  9. Where are the Girls coming forward to tell on
    Bidens ?? Shurely there are Many !!

  10. Halloween Biden will be passing out Candy to
    the under-age girls in Delaware !!

  11. Lets see Biden's TAXES & his Son's !!!

    Guess NONE was paid to America from the
    China & Russian & Ukraine $$$$ !!!!

    That was ALL under the table $$$$$ !!!!


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