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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Florida, hard hit by coronavirus this summer, will reopen bars and restaurants with no restrictions

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Friday that Florida, hard hit by coronavirus pandemic this summer, was moving into Phase 3 of reopening, lifting all restrictions on restaurants and businesses.

DeSantis, a Republican, said restaurants, hotels and bars across the state can immediately reopen at full capacity. A staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, DeSantis has been widely criticized in the past for reopening Florida early in the pandemic — a move that came after the governor met with the president."

The order would also prohibit local governments from restricting business operations unless they can justify the economic cost of such actions.

“There will not be limitations,” DeSantis said at a press conference in St. Petersburg. “They can operate at a minimum of 50 percent regardless of local rule and then, if a local restricts between 50 and 100 [percent], they’ve got to provide the justification and they’ve got to identify what the costs involved with doing that are.”

Bars are able to decide how to handle capacity at their establishments. Bars were allowed to reopen at 50 percent capacity on Sep. 10.

“If you want to go beyond the 50, you can authorize and do it,” DeSantis said. “We’re not telling you you have to, but we’re not going to stand in the way of that, so that’ll be a local decision if they want to try to do more capacity in some of the bars and pubs.”

Gyms, hair salons and amusement parks were not addressed during the governor’s announcement on Friday, but most gyms and businesses have already been operating at full capacity.


  1. This is not quite accurate. While they CAN open without restrictions set forth by the government the businesses themselves can put restrictions in place. That is the way it should be.

    1. Why would you want to make up your own restrictions? Based on twitter science? Please tell

  2. Someone is following the science. It’s a numbers thing and always has been. NYC should close forever.

  3. This shamdemic has been most enlightening about our culture and our economy and the hospitality reality. Are people really that dependent on going out ? I'm a cheap old fart of working class origins and grew up eating out with family maybe two or three times a year on special occasions. Never was a bar fly or found that to be a interesting social venue having three degrees and have restored historic homes and cook and entertain at home for family extended and otherwise and friends and when I do resign to go out always wonder what the big deal is. You wait it's noisy the food is OK at best I feel bad for the servers and over tip them an wonder why are there so many of these places that are not really that special.

    1. Thank you for sharing. This lockdown has really made me think about why I go out, and I’ve realized I don’t even miss it. Picking up pizza is a treat again! Hopefully you will have more and more people agreeing with you as changes continue to be made.

    2. Early grave in a card board box.

  4. 12:55
    A lot of people eat out because they are lazy and like to be waited on. They don’t care that they could save a lot of money by cooking at home.

  5. " Anonymous said...
    Why would you want to make up your own restrictions? Based on twitter science? Please tell

    September 26, 2020 at 12:55 PM"

    Use your head. It's not like it rocket science. Many people are still very concerned.

  6. To all you "money over health" cool aid drinkers, when is OC, and the surrounding areas going to get pounded with the covid 19 as you all predicted? It's been a week since thousands of no mask wearing bikers where in town. I was there Thur through Sun with no mask and still healthy. I even got wet and cold while riding with no ill effects. Almost the whole town was shut down nearly all season over a bogus sham. To all you mask believers, keep following your sheppard "fauci", YOUR LIFE depends on him for guidance. Sorry but my life doesn't.

    1. It hasn’t happened and you been saying it will for months. Now summer is over and your still saying it. Typical

    2. What? You don't comprehend what read very well do you 6:11?

  7. The Florida approach makes sense. A lot of Republicans. Most are immune to CV 19. Those that get CV 19 can take hydroxychloroquine with a shot of bleach. Instant cure! The virus just disappears. If it doesn’t they can go to Dr. Stella Emmanuel and she’ll do an exorcism on them. If that fails Dr. Atlas will X-ray them. Life is good when you live in the Republican alter world!

    1. Not sure your point. But we could actually try to state the facts. This virus is not as bad as predicted. We have a much better grasp on how to treat this virus. One of those things includes not putting positive people in the nursing homes where they murdered others. The hospitalizations are down. There is a cleaning with disenfectant that can be done to the lungs. I read about it the same week Trump was accused of telling people to drink bleach. What a stretch. Covid is not as contagious as they once thought, obviously. It has nothing to do with being republican. In fact since you refuse to state the facts, the worse handled state was New York. Hum democrat run?! Anyway, kudos to Florida for opening up. And Kudos for Hogan doing a 360 himself and opening up MD. For the people who have lost their life or a family member, it is terrible and sad. But it is time to get our economy back on track. I think this virus was used to ruin Trump, it is backfiring quick, and it is not as bad as was claimed. I'm sorry this is upsetting to you but projecting ignorance just makes you look dumb. It is ok to admit the republicians and trump were right this time around. There is always next time for you.

  8. Florida is a great State. We always have our act together - thanks Gov DeSantis - our heroπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²


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