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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Franklin Graham leading DC prayer march: 'Only God can fix the problems' in our nation

Thousand of people are gathered in Washington, D.C. today, not to protest but to pray.

Evangelist Franklin Graham is leading a prayer march in Nations Capital that will seek God's healing for a nation in crisis.

"I think our country is in trouble, and Democrats will tell you that, Republicans will tell you that. We're coming today to call upon the name of God, because I believe only God can fix the problems that we face in this nation today," Graham said.

"We're coming today, from all states to pray, to humble ourselves, to confess the sins of our nation to God, to ask for his forgiveness, and to call on him, to help our nation, and we're going to pray for our representatives. Republican, Democrat, we're going to pray for all of them".



  1. Has anyone see anything about this on MSN or Fiz?

    1. When it comes to God and Country MSM is no where to be found, they support neither.

  2. Great! We need more of this instead of BLM and ANTIFA and other terrorists groups.

  3. There are those out there who are foolish enough to attack Jesus.I suppose he gave us all free will to do as we please,but for those folks it won't work out well.

  4. GOD already did. He helped President Trump get his 3rd and most important Supreme Court Justice.

  5. Absolutely Amazing Event! Great Christian Leaders with Great Message. Tens of thousands people as far as an eye can see, praying and singing the name of Our Lord Jesus! MSM excused themselves from the event, oh well, they will be excused when facing God one day. Wake Up, you all who are weary and tired, and come to me and I will give you a rest The Tide is Turning and the Darkness of the Evil Powers are being exposed! Halelujah��

  6. No, Trump will once he wins in November and brings the hammer down on the thugs/democrats.

  7. Did Jesus come to help the founding fathers when the British ships sailed into harbor? No? So what makes you believe he's coming to help you in the situation we all know is upon us? Whether it's this election or one in the not to distant future you know it's there. Freedom isn't free and prayer doesn't maintain it.

    1. So glad I'm saved by the blood of JesusSeptember 28, 2020 at 5:39 PM

      In the last days.....they will say

      where is your God ?

  8. Same tired old story with the same tired old answers. That the nation is in turmoil and only their God can save it.

    Haven't religious leaders been saying the same thing for Centuries now?

    When is their God gonna do something?

    I thought they said that God was in charge. I mean if so, isn't this all his plan and doing?

    I just don't understand how religion can take otherwise smart people, and make them flush their reasoning and critical thinking skills down the toilet.

    These religious hucksters are interested in money, and power. That's it. Stop giving it to them.

    1. So glad I'm saved by the blood of JesusSeptember 28, 2020 at 5:42 PM

      In the last Days they will question our faith in God

      2nd Peter 3 vs 4

  9. 8:33 Try reading the Bible. You may learn something 🤷‍♀️

  10. We ARE a Christian Country & are Proud of it

    & whoever don't like that CAN LEAVE !!!

    We are mostly a WHITE country too & we don't
    apoligize for that either !!

    We owe Nothing to the rest of the world , or
    any Hate mongers , We SAVED the WORLD in WW2

  11. The Non believers Won't be going to Heaven &
    Life here on Earth is Short !!!

    God made us ALL & Jesus Saved us ALL & you
    better believe it !!!

  12. You see all athesit communist on here?.marx hated religion. Cannot be a true communist if you believe in GOD..His manefesto is based on luciferian ideals not christian. Religion is used until its no longer working for the cause. Russia is a very big graveyard to the failure of communism and religion.

    YOUR TOTALLY clueless if you think this is all from a BIG BANG.

    You still need two atoms to bang together.

  13. WE OWN this country & NOT giving it away to
    ANY body !! PERIOD !!!

  14. @703 No we are not. There is no state ordained religion and never will be.

  15. Land of the FREE Home of the BRAVE > America

    and we are going to KEEP it that way !! Fact


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