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Saturday, September 05, 2020

GOP candidate Marjorie Greene faces backlash over image of herself holding gun alongside The Squad

Georgia Republican Marjorie Greene faced backlash Friday from Democrats and Facebook for posting a picture of herself holding a gun alongside images of the three progressive House members, titled the "Squad's worst nightmare."

While Greene said the social media meme was not meant to threaten Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. -- three members of the so-called progressive Squad -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others condemned the post as dangerous.

"Republican Leader [Kevin McCarthy] must immediately condemn this dangerous threat of violence against Democratic Congresswomen," Pelosi tweeted.

Facebook took down Greene's image for violating standards on "violence and incitement."

Omar said the image already sparked death threats against her.

Instead of attacking a meme, Greene said she wants Democrats to denounce the "real" threat of violence in the streets.


  1. What backlash negative media ? phffft what else is new

  2. Trump 2020.... F off Susan OlsenSeptember 5, 2020 at 8:11 PM

    really ? ? ?

    You Democrats shoot up our kids in school

    you threatened our President Trump

    go to hell to get an apology

  3. Democrats already denounce violence in the streets and have for years, they just don't address the root problems, as if constant whining and eye poking will solve them.

  4. Democrats trick talk minorities into believing them then do nothing except enrich themselves.People should take a ride thru Baltimore you wouldn’t believe how many boarded up and falling down buildings it’s thousands.


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