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Saturday, September 05, 2020

San Francisco Mayor Blames Trump For Pelosi's Salon Mistake

San Francisco Mayor London Breed attempted to redirect fire at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi toward the president after security footage showed Pelosi getting her hair done with no mask inside a salon.

The video showed Pelosi inside the hair salon, which is currently not permitted in California. Salons have been closed since March, with state restrictions only allowing outdoor appointments beginning in September. Pelosi claims that she was "set up" by the salon owner and blamed the owner for giving false information about state restrictions.

The Democrat mayor backed up Pelosi and dismissed the notion that the Speaker was violating restrictions.

"So look, Nancy Pelosi has done so much for this city and even this country and in the midst of this pandemic and all the stuff that’s happening amidst this election, she is in Washington, D.C., fighting against a tyrant every single day," Breed said on Wednesday during a radio interview.



  1. Naturally it's Trumps fault. Really?

  2. I'm surprised they didn't say it was George Bush's fault.

  3. "...done so much for this city...."

    Has he LOOKED around at the streets surrounding her gated and heavily fortified house??
    It's not even safe for regular people to walk around that neighborhood in the DAYTIME.
    He must be smoking some of that San Fran power weed.....

    Democrats. They could look at a burning house, with kids on fire jumping from the windows, and credit each other for "upgrading the neighborhood".

    Biden is "brilliant and electric" and kamala is "black".

    Democrats. Just because you SAY it doesn't mean it's true. It NEVER is....

    Keep cheering.


  4. First time she's has salon work done since March? Ha, ha, ha!

    Whether in DC, Frisco or when she travels someone was sworn to secrecy for styling her locks.

  5. So, what is worse?

    Having the pig Pelosi come into your salon with out a mask, or having to touch Pelosi's nasty hair ?


  6. Joe, Here is that clip from fox news showing exactly what Nancy has done for her district. Please please post this!


  7. Yeah wasn't Trump who made her appt and she had been going their for months when it wasn't supposed to be open to the public. Wasn't Trump that took her mask off it's like the impeachment trial nothing they think sticks to them. She was caught red handed and face not covered while the employees there had to treat the special guest with special appts and keep hush hush all these months. This will not be the last thing that there will be tapes of because she is ENTITLED you see.

  8. I had a headache last week and call the White House to complain, but I couldn’t get through to anyone. It had to be Trump’s fault damn it. Trump/Pence 2020!

  9. Well of course it was Trumps fault that Ugly Nancy was illegally trying to make herself beautiful! WRONG!!!!!!!!!!! It didn't take.


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