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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Participant at Biden Event in Kenosha Spills the Beans – Admits She Was Given a “Paper” Telling Her What to Say

We know that the Biden events are all staged and we now have more evidence.

Today in Kenosha, Wisconsin at a Biden event a woman admitted on camera that she was given a piece of paper telling her what to say:

Watch Bennett’s off-script speech below.



  1. Watch her WIC card get shut off, get an audit by the I.R.S. and brick through her front window at 4:00 AM

  2. Biden's answer: Wisconsin has good cheese.

  3. Really and this would be a surprise the whole Dem Convention was a hoax and lies and more basement trips to keep his mouth shut.

  4. Secret service confirmed that Biden would routinely walk around naked in front of female staff members and grouped the wives girlfriends and children of staffers and secret service members causing at least one shoving match


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