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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Donald Trump Furious at The Atlantic Claiming He Disparaged Fallen Soldiers

President Donald Trump on Thursday night personally denounced a story published by The Atlantic, which cited anonymous sources that claim Trump described America’s fallen heroes as “suckers” and “losers.”

“To think that I would make statements negative to our military and our fallen heroes … it is a disgraceful situation by a magazine that’s a terrible magazine,” Donald Trump said. “I don’t read it, but I just heard about it.”

Trump spoke after he landed at Andrews Air Force Base after returning late from a campaign rally at an airport in Wisconsin.

“It’s a total lie; it’s fake news. It’s a disgrace, and frankly its a disgrace to your profession,” he said to reporters who did not expect him to speak after exiting Air Force One. Video footage of his remarks featured the president denouncing the story in the dark.



  1. It’s been debunked like every other fake news story

  2. He's talked shit about the troops countless times in public. Why should we disbelieve he would do the same in private?

    1. Give us an example. Where?? What paper? What article?? Written by who?? Oh that's right you can't produce?? Because it never happened.

  3. I've noticed that fox news every weekend has something NEGATIVE to say about the President. They are all backing jennifer griffin BS report that she has sources that said Trump said it. You have the typical ones like Bret Baier. Martha mcgowan. Chris wallace. Harris faulkner. I mean WTF is wrong with these morons?? Got bit by the stupid bug??


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