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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Andy Biggs defends Trump over fallen Soldier report, doesn't believe a word of it!

Congressman Biggs responded to the latest scurrilous hit piece against President Donald Trump, appearing in The Atlantic yesterday:

“The mainstream media, along with their allies on the radical left, are attempting interfere with the 2020 election, just as they did with the 2016 election. For all the angst we hear about Russian interference in the 2016 or 2020 election, the integrity of our elections is more at stake due to dishonest and fake reporting than by foreign actors. The so-called journalists who promoted and fueled yesterday’s story in the Atlantic should be ashamed of themselves.

“Americans know that President Trump has the utmost love and respect for our men and women in uniform, for our veterans, and for our honored dead who have given their lives to defend our precious freedoms since our nation’s founding. President Trump’s administration has rebuilt our military and taken steps to bring our troops home from overseas conflicts, reformed the Veterans Affairs to better keep the promises our country has made to our veterans, and guarded the heritage and history of the United States from domestic terrorists and troublemakers who seek to destroy it. Because of the president’s endeavors, he has been met with ruthless and unprecedented resistance from the radical left and the mainstream media. These forces must be defeated, and I support President Trump’s actions to keep his promises to our military and veterans.”


  1. Scurrilous rats, the MSM.

  2. I have no doubt that Donald Trump said all those things that have the media in an uproar. If you really think about it they jive well with many inflammatory things he’s already said in public. But you know what? I don’t care. Because even if I can’t stand him as a person he’s enabling conservatives to achieve goals we only dreamed of. Doing away with decades of costly but superfluous regulations and most importantly reshaping our judiciary in ways that will ensure conservative agendas for years to come. So I really don’t care if he secretly thinks soldiers are stupid losers. The long term benefits we will gain from this president far outweigh his shortcomings.

  3. Joe Biden uses his dead son to show support for the troops but won't say a word about his living son getting kicked out of the Navy for being a druggy!

  4. As a combat vet who lost one cousin in Laos and had another wounded in SV, I will only say that this November I will cast my first ever vote for a Democrat, Joseph Biden.....Trump is unworthy or ANY SUPPORT from America's vets and the military...disgrace...

    1. As a MARINE I think you're full of SHIT. You sound like one of the hippies still on an acid Trip. Anyone. Especially a so called VET votes for BIDEN?? Is most certainly TRIPPING!!

    2. Trump victory in 2020September 6, 2020 at 4:39 AM

      I too think your full of shit

      You are probably an Ex Inmate who wants everything free...

      go suck ๐Ÿ˜’ ass

    3. That article is full of shit. Just look at Trump's actions and what he has done for our Vets and Active Duty! Stop being brainwashed by the liberal media!

  5. "...who have given their lives to defend our precious freedoms"
    What, the same ones that everyone's just givin up all over the place in the name of "safety"???? Wake up America because there soon won't be any left to defend!!!!

    1. @5:18 Having to wear a mask for 10 minutes inside Wal-Mart isn't a threat to your "freedoms." Grow up.

    2. Tell me about it again when you're locked in a fema quarantine camp for being an "asymptomatic carrier" you dumb sheep

  6. The weather report backs up Trump and proves the media created another hoax .... Don’t fly in foggy weather ask Kobe

  7. 4:45 Thank you for being part of what's wrong with our country! As badly as the media hates Trump, you really believe that they would have information like this and hold on to it for two years? Omg, did you have a desk job in the military, because you have to be weak to believe this crap! I hope you don't make it to the polls in November, but if you do, know that my son's vote will cancel yours! He's a true American hero! Army strong, Trump 2020!

  8. It's easy to not believe something when you simply ignore the piles and piles of evidence and just bury your head in the sand.

  9. Yeah and "reliable sources" said Russia interfered too!

    All you people who think Trump would say this need to ask yourselves this: For what purpose would he attack people who have dies for this country?

    I am sure he never said those things, he only attacks when someone LIVING goes after him with BS.

    6:24, talk about burying your head in the sand, how about all of those pics of "Slow Joe sniffing and touching women and girls? Or the secret service report that was destroyed from 2009 when the guy almost clocked Joe for touching his girlfriends breast in a photo op? "Piles of evidence"

  10. They have nothing else to rag on about Trump. Grasping for straws since they know oBiden can't win.


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