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Saturday, September 05, 2020

One Single Man Shows Up to Welcome Joe Biden in Kenosha

On Thursday, on very short notice and playing copycat to President Donald J. Trump’s visit to the exact same area earlier in the week, Democrat candidate Joe Biden was lacking any supporters at all to welcome him to a planned and publicized event, until one single man showed up, holding a blue sign that said, “Uncle Joe”.
The sign was hand painted, and the supporter chanted over and over, “Joe, Joe, Joe” for the media.

VIDEO: One Single Man Shows Up to Welcome Joe Biden in Kenosha


  1. You know they paid him dearly. Lol

  2. While his wife sat on the grass, saying, "Okay, Honey, whatever. You win the bet."

  3. Was it his roommate from the rest home ???

  4. They didn't get the reference. "Uncle Joe" was Stalin's nickname. He promised a people's Utopia, but murdered 20 million and kept a state of perpetual paranoia and war for over thirty years of Marxist rule.

  5. This man is also the group leader for the local Sex Offender rehabilitation and recovery group. They feel a genuine kinship with Creepy Uncle Joe.

  6. Zero enthusiasm for biden. I mean really how could anyone be enthusiastic about him. 50 year politician who is suddenly going to do something positive. Only thing he's ever done is create jobs for the people in China and for his own family.

  7. Hell, I don’t believe the one showed. That photo was taken to make Joey look good. Not a sole there. Same as DE, they don’t like him, nor does PA that he lies about growing up in. He never grew up, just old. Punk old dude.

  8. There. You. Go.

    Trump 2020!

  9. "If we only show this one picture, that means only one person showed up."

  10. You catching on 12:52, msm does it all the time.

  11. Check out the rest of the pix. Lotsa press and not much else.

  12. I'm surprised that many people showed up.


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