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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Thomas Gallatin: BLM Hijacks MLK's Dream

Al Sharpton keeps feeding the racial-grievance culture, which wasn't King's goal.

On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 57 years ago Friday, Martin Luther King Jr. famously gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. Seeking to exploit and co-opt that momentous event in the history of the civil rights movement, the infamous race hustler Al Sharpton, along with members of his leftist National Action Network, organized a rally of Marxist Black Lives Matter activists entitled, “Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks.”

“We don’t just want this to be a summer of discontent,” Sharpton explained. “We want to do as they did 57 years ago, to come to the national government and say we need legislation.” The legislation Sharpton references is the Democrats’ George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which removes protections from police officers, making it easier for them to be prosecuted. Sharpton and the rest also want an update to the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which the Left says the Supreme Court “gutted” in 2013.

The great irony here is that extortionists like Sharpton and fellow race hustler Jesse Jackson, with their cottage industry aimed at stirring a culture of racial grievance and animosity, have done more to prevent King’s dream from being realized than any white supremacist. And rather than calling out the violence of the BLM rioting, Sharpton has only stirred the pot.



  1. But seriously Joe,can this be fixed or will it all ever be over?Your followers seriously appreciate your journalism and most of us agree with your perspectives,but this thing is like a runaway train.My hope is that in my lifetime every race can get along with each other.

  2. Sharpton who lives off the misfortune of Blacks. Who is selective in his black issues. Who is a shadow of Obama - a great American loser.

  3. Really? Whatever.

    Doesn't Sharpton still owe taxes? I mean he went from FATSO so thin man barely able to stand up to a brisk breeze.

    How bout getting his $$$$ before he blows away.

  4. Who even cares about mlk. Black sure don't. oh they are real good at talking his talk but just like they pretend to be christians and talk the talk they never walk the walk
    Hell will freeze over before that immoral race ever judges anyone on the content of their character. They will vote for a black no matter their character. They are a race void of any and all morals, values and principles and is why their own youth are slaughtering each other When you don't have a solid foundation built with principles honesty and morals society collapses. Unfortunately because they are lacking in all that is good they will not admit this and blame racism God sees though and just like they are paying for their sinful ways on earth by the black on black crime He too will continue to punish them in the afterlife which will be with the devil

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Negros are the most significant problem we have in this country with regard to crime, violence and parasitic dependency for all their needs. For a moment, visualize our country without them. Then, you could actually defund police and law enforcement because they would not be as necessary since upwards of 85 to 90% of violent street crimes are committed by that race. I speak from experience and if you were to ask any police officer from an area where there is a significant representation of negros, they will confirm my statement. The southern states knew this and more or less successfully dealt with the problem until the egalitarian liberals forced through the Civil Rights Act of 1965 which unleashed these tribal marauders on to the streets of our communities. As they say, “ no good deed goes unpunished” and we are suffering from the unintended consequences of their desire to provide “equality “ which can and will never be achieved. Challenge my statement if you can, however, facts are on my side and everything I have stated is 100% true.

  6. MLK was as much a RACIST as Al Sharpton, Jesse jackson, cummings, Lewis and the rest. If he had lived?? He'd be just as bad as the rest. Why do you never see anyone from his family come out against all the BLM BULLSHIT?? Yeah you see them here and there saying they don't think it's right. But if MLK was such a force. Why aren't they out protesting against all these BLM murderers??? Why didn't they come out against Obama and his BULLSHIT??? I've heard more from Diamond and Silk than ANYONE from MLK family.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: MLK was a plagiarist, a womanizer and most likely a communist. One of his hobbies was to hire two white prostitutes at the same time and beat them up. FBI has tapes of these sort of activities but can’t release them because of the fear of offending the negro community by exposing their only hero. Sad that they name a holiday after such a scoundrel. I’m really tired of heating the misconceptions voiced by the Caucasian community who have been indoctrinated to believe he was some sort of saint. Total BS.

    1. Couldn't agree more. I knew he was a POS. They all are. But it figured he hated white like rest. Real tough guy beating woman. But all blacks do. They think it's normal living.

  8. Take down that MLK monument !!!


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