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Friday, September 04, 2020

University of Virginia students, workers stage a ‘die in’ to protest in-person classes

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) - Students and workers at the University of Virginia are pushing back against the university’s decision to start in-person classes on Sept. 8.

The demonstrators showed their concerns through the lens of the worst possible outcome.

At a die-in, staged by the United Campus Workers of Virginia, a university workers union, and a few Democratic student groups, participants shared this message: this is what will happen around the community.

“When we saw last week that UVA decided to keep going with its disastrous plan to hold in-person classes, we knew that we had to do something,” said André Zazzera, a graduate student who also works as a tutor.

The demonstration was a display of what these UVA students and workers fear most: death from the virus.


  1. There was a time in the 1980s when UVA was a bastion of conservative ideology. Its horrific how far to the left it has come.

  2. These kids are morons!

  3. Need to kick VA to the curb...like California becoming another haven for moon bats.

  4. Simple solution, if you don't like the standards of a university, go somewhere else.

    1. 9:41
      More simple: if you don’t like them, change them.

      The Easy Button

  5. They are all getting together in the same space to have a "die-in". At least they are wearing masks (except for the UVA student who spoke to reporter with her mask down, LOL! Hypocrites!)
    But for some reason they can't go to school to learn though?
    I bet they will be partying off campus either way, tell me I'm wrong!

  6. Keg parties & Threesomes baby !!!


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