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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

The Radical Left's Ideas Could Destroy America for Generations

Rioting. Vandalism. Bullying opponents into silence. Calls to defund the police, abolish the Electoral College, and remake America as a socialist country. It’s hard to believe what we’re now seeing.

For months, the forces of Marxism, socialism, and anarchy have terrorized our streets and threatened the values that make America the greatest nation in the world. They have shown no signs of stopping, and many left-leaning politicians,members of the media, and celebrities either tacitly accept their behavior or openly cheer it on.

Today, America has a choice of two paths. We can embrace the foundational principles that created this nation of limited government and individual liberty. Or we can veer down the path of those who trash those principles, who teach our children that America was illegitimate from the start, and who want to make the vast majority of Americans subservient to an all-powerful government.



  1. November 2nd through the next six months will be telling. Will the Left take a break? Will rioting continue through the winter while governors and mayors do nothing to stop them?

  2. Joe Biden says fossil fuel is the biggest threat and we have 8 years to left he then turns, waves to the media and boards his private jet. This was after being driven to the air field in a suburban. He also bought a 3 million dollar home on the ocean beach front paid for with money earned by giving speeches on rising waters. I’m just jealous.

    1. 1109..... they worship the 🀘 😈 devils

      in this lifetime, they will roll in money presented to them by the evil 😈 one

      in the next lifetime..... they will roll in the flames of hell

  3. There is no choice. Some of you pacifists might consider going along with a communist takeover done through the election system, a lot of us aren't. So you will live in a warzone.

  4. No you are not just jealous. It is a double standard only enjoyed by the Privileged. I am sure you saw proof of that with Pelosi getting her hair done mask less yet no one in her city has been allowed to since March. This is what the left is all about. Double standard. It's not okay for you but it is for me. Because I am in control of you. Control is the let's platform. You continue to work hard and turn over your hard earned pay to them. Vote Trump 2020 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  5. Yes Left. However must include the Right too. Why?

    CONgress. Neither compromise like the old days. Tip O'Neil comes to mind during challenging times in the 80's

    Without Compromise (which we haven't seen during this admin and the last 2) nothing gets done which hurts us ALL!

    United States of America!

  6. Same playbook, same fear mongering. It wasn't true for that last 100 years this tactic has been used, and it's not true now.

    Trump has no platform, nothing he is running for. It's all fear based... make you scared. Tell falsehoods and manufactured lies to scare you, and then present himself as the solution.

    This is textbook Authoritarian Tyrant tactics. You are being played by a grifter con man who is trying to paint half of Americans with a brush that applies to a tiny tiny portion of the population... but I'm not shocked, he has never been known for his honesty or accuracy. It would be akin to the Democrats painting all Republicans to look like KKK members or The Westboro Baptist Church. It's not accurate, and it's not honest.

    Go out in your neighborhood. You see fires? You see turmoil? No. It's peace and crickets and neighbors who would help you if you needed it, and many of those neighbors are probably from a different political party than you.

    Stop being scared. Stop buying this tired rhetoric.

  7. If you all don't vote the straight Republican ticket, you will be oh so sorry! You won't like it at all. What you have been seeing is a mere drop in the bucket to what's to come under the socialist democrats,. Once they're in, it's too late. Do not vote for a democrat for any office at all......straight Republican.


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