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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Democrats Introduce Legislation To Declare Racism A Public Health Crisis

A bill introduced on Thursday by Democratic lawmakers would classify racism as a nationwide public health crisis - requiring two wings within the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to address it, according to The Hill.

The bill - Anti-Racism in Public Health Act - was crafted by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and House Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). It is co-sponsored by Sens. Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Ed Markey (D-MA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Tina Smith (D-MN).

"It is time we start treating structural racism like we would treat any other public health problem or disease: investing in research into its symptoms and causes and finding ways to mitigate its effects," said Warren, who masqueraded as a different race for decades - potentially depriving actual Native Americans positions at liberal institutions.

"My bill with Representatives Lee and Pressley is a first step to create anti-racist federal health policy that studies and addresses disparities in health outcomes at their roots," she added.



  1. Democrats don’t have a platform and have never fixed a problem... all hat no cattle

  2. Hate speech laws will be next Bye-Bye 1st Amendment

  3. I foresee this being used to brainwash any individuals that don't think like the Dems do, they just need to decry rasism weather it's valid or not and you get your dose chemicals to bring you in line...

  4. and Trump just defunded all Federal monies supporting race, diversity and mandated sensitivity and Bias Training.

    1. When I retired the first thing I enjoyed was not having to attend these asinine classes. If you are a grown adult and mandated to do so, how in the hell are you going to change the way you have been as a youth and most of your adult life. I treat people the way they treat me. No nut lecturing you will change that.

  5. No legislature created months before an election is worth spit, nor are those who propose it. It's all show with no substance, all theater but no dinner.

  6. CDC is "racist"! I searched cdc/std/stats. How can a certain race be exponentially leading in all categories, when they are only 13% of the population? They need an investigation into this "racist" reporting!

  7. 3:12

    Exactly right. This bill was designed to get headlines and sway the very ignorant uninformed dumbocrat voters.

    The bill will go nowhere.

  8. The Republicans should advance a bill called "The end of stupidity law"

    The bill would outlaw all dumbocrats.

  9. The Dems are training our military people to think like them. This is a major problem.

  10. The democrats are pushing this racism crap because they can't stand all the positive things going on in black neighborhoods by the Trump admin. Opportunity zones, small business loans, the apprenticeship program the young black woman spoke about at the RNC and how she's ready to settle on her first home
    The black neighborhoods I do believe have been neglected for decades. Years ago I had the pleasure and yes it was a pleasure to meet many of the Baltimore black on black shooting victims who were receiving rehab at the time was called Kernan Rehab. Most were permanently disabled. I spent many hours talking with them and yes they would be what could be considered thugs. What I saw was so much lost potential. They didn't' want to be dealers or thugs but it's understandable when people realize drugs is the economy of the inner cities. With the right backing many even without a college education (which in my opinion is in many cases a waste of money) many of the inner city young people (and blacks all over) would be successful business owners. I came to respect these young black men because after speaking with so many I could understand more. All were nothing but respectful to me even thanking me over and over for caring. When my relative was done with their 30 day rehab day they pitched in and bought me a little flower arrangement from the gift shop. I still have the container and the card and cherish it to this day.

  11. I disagree completely with the premise of the legislation.
    It is not the job or role of government to mitigate these social predicaments.
    We do not (as a whole) want a Totalitarian Government who is involved in every aspect of our lives.
    We do not want that.

  12. You losers whine about "fake news" then post an article when an obviously doctored photo of Elizabeth Warren. Pathetic.

  13. Oh that's right fellas next you'll be "committed" and declared a threat to the public including having your firearms confiscated for not wanting to live in Africa. Embrace Islam and prepare to fight. Between this and your children whom you do not want to be vaccinated under threat from CPS you will be isolated and forced to become a "domestic terrorist" to defend yourself. The religion is the glue and since none of your pastors have the backbone to preach a defensive doctrine have no worries as I will. Open your eyes and take in what is going on around you. Even if Trump wins in November and somehow manages to to be confirmed in January this threat will loom in the background for the next election. The moment the Senate and Congress are lost he will be removed and a dictator installed. They will not risk democracy again.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    You losers whine about "fake news" then post an article when an obviously doctored photo of Elizabeth Warren. Pathetic.

    September 5, 2020 at 6:19 PM"

    The picture is a joke you ignoramus. A Meme You are the loser and also a disgusting POS waste of air. You should be criticizing warren for lying about being native but of course you won't because you garbage stick together. I hope you didn't multiply the last thing the county needs are another generation of useless filth like you fouling it. And the garbage that spawned you may they burn in hell for being such bad people and raising you a POS

    1. It's a joke on it's own, but it's deceptive when it's included with an actual news article. Quit throwing a bitch fit. You know this is wrong. If you want to whine about "fake news" you can't dismiss actual fake news as just a joke. Calm down with the insults and take your needs, grandpa.

  15. The queen of racism in all her glory just like Obama not finding the birth certificate and becoming the first Arab US President. She has no Indian heritage it was proven she was just looking for more votes, surprised she didn't do the black face thing!

  16. As they pass legislation legalizing anal sex with children


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