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Saturday, August 01, 2020

What Teachers Don’t Want You to Know About Schools Reopening


  1. The President is correct in providing school choice via the federal money that follows each student, and provide that money directly to parents so they may choose.

    He knows competition makes all choices much stronger. For many parents, they don’t have a voice and a choice. Of course, the unions are screaming bloody murder, but in purely business terms, they haven’t produced. To be fair, they no control over what shows up in their classrooms, no way to discipline or maintain order, and no support of many parents. I think teachers are exasperated, and have had it with their unions/associations and would welcome opportunities to really teach in stead of babysitting.

  2. Anyone who doesn't like the job teachers are doing is free to become one and show us how it's done. That's what y'all say about police all the time, so it should apply to teachers, too.

    1. Where the HELL have you been?? It's exactly what's happening. You. Your Union. Your BOE. Are absolete. You all had a good run with good pay. Job security. Failing students who can't read or write. Not to mention teaching kids gay, transgender, and abortion is okay NARRATIVE. Ba bye.

  3. Any teacher who doesn't what's happening and is worried about their future is free to find another job. This is America after all

  4. How do private schools like Salisbury Christian School get away with having desks 3 feet apart and not requiring masks all day as mandated by the state? As per emails
    Sent to parentsI know? its a private business essentially but it is exposing teachers and families to Covid more rapidly hence exposing the community..if public schools must follow these mandated why don’t private schools have to?

    1. Are you likewise concerned about community spread from "peaceful protests" where distancing is 6 inches at best.

    2. 11:28
      COVID is fake
      Wake up
      You are being mind controlled

    3. Absolutely! I saw pictures of their (salisbury christian school) graduation today. No masks worn accepting diplomas, no social distancing and a total disregard of the law. How arrogant of the school and foolish to put the community at risk.

  5. 11:28

    The public schools will not open. There will be no in-school rules to follow. Instruction will be online. Many students will fall further behind academically. They and other students who adapt academically, as best they can, will likely experience social and mental health challenges the extent of which will only be known after the ill effects have taken hold. Teachers will suffer likewise, whether due to isolation from co-workers and students, the knowledge that they are delivering an inferior product, or both. Meanwhile the efficacy of instruction will be significantly diminished, and all students sold short. I hope I am wrong. But if not, parents will have to take charge, making use of Khan Academy and other online sources that have mastered the format. As of the close of last school year,the local system had not. Even so, disparities between students better able to adapt
    and other students will only become wider.


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