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Saturday, August 01, 2020



  1. Ye . It's all bullshit. Trying to control our lives

  2. so tired of the democrats commie bs going on in this here country. just wondering when the average joe is gonna have had enough of their bs?

  3. But he is entitled because of being a peaceful protester (rioter) all his life while existing on the government trough.

  4. Just wait until Nadler,Schiff and Pelosi kick their buckets. The drama will go on for months.

  5. Both Floyd and Lewis had criminal pasts

  6. 9:12, It will be worth it. Hope it's sooner than later.

  7. Fuaci said Lewis funeral did not fall under the criteria and he would not comment on anything political.

    1. Oh course that was his answer. There is zero way for him to spin this one and he can't lose his credibility. I think Fuaci is bought and paid for. I think covid is an issue. It is causing some major heart issues in people. Young ones too. But I also believe it is a bio weapon. They have no clue how to contain it or how it will behave. So much opposite information out here. I just worry with so many conservatives saying it's a fake virus, if they will lose their creditability once it is known it's an issue. Freedom should be about making a choice. If you own a business and don't want to inforse the mask rule then you shouldn't be made too. And if I think a mask is important then I just go to the business who supports that. There are enough places out here for this to work.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Let’s look at it positively. Let’s celebrate the death of a low IQ recipient of all the benefits of affirmative action programs and the indoctrination and manipulation of voters who demonstrate the same levels of intelligence. When he said “I’m just axing for the troof” during a hearing, it was obvious that the man was even dumber than I had previously thought. Worshiped solely for being a negro.

  9. Violating Fuaci CDC guidelines. Democrats can have this gathering but NO Church services.

    OOPS had a memory lapse this was a DEMOCRAT GATHERING.

  10. Northwest Woodsman, don’t you have a sister to date? Or maybe some farm animals to mate with?

  11. US Government is out of control

  12. His only legacy in Congress, for the most part, was constantly reminding everyone of what he did before he got there and little else.

  13. @August 2, 2020 at 7:03 AM . inforse? Are you kidding us? It's enforce. And it Fauci, not Fuaci.


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