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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Praises Communist China: “Growing Into a Respectable Nation” (VIDEO)

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) on Thursday praised Communist China during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting.

Feinstein also warned against holding China accountable for unleashing a deadly virus resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide.

The Democrat Senator made these remarks as China continues its abuses against Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

“We hold China as a potential trading partner, as a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time,” Feinstein said. “And as a country growing into a respectable nation amongst other nations — I deeply believe that.”



  1. What about the "re-education" camps Diane? That's okay? Diane, Nancy, Maxine, et al need to call it a day and retire to moon bat heaven.

  2. Where the Dems would take away the people's ability to defend themselves; they would hold the wealth and poverty would be defined as being a republican.

  3. She's helping CHINA spy on us. She had a Chinese staff member. She getting paid big time to DESTROY AMERICA. SHE IS A COMMUNIST.

  4. Democrats want the power over the people like China

  5. Welcome to America 2020! The Democrats are beholden to China and Trump is beholden to Russia. Reagan must be rolling in his grave!

  6. It is way overdue to put this mental subject down or at least off our payroll. Well that will never happen, there is a pension, benefits etc. I thought the dummy had retired years ago after sucking on the government trough 50 or 60 years. Next thing you know it will want to replace Ruth G on the high coat.

  7. Where would she be? They don't hold with lesbians like her. She'd be executed ASAP.

  8. I guess you know where the Democrats have invested all there money now. Not in the United States Of America

  9. Quite an irresponsible thing to say. Senility is no joke

  10. She has had Chinese operatives in her organization / employment / Congressional office for 20 or more years. She also is another Joe Biden which has several business ventures in China.

  11. Diane, go get yourself a fresh bottle..............that one isn't agreeing with you.

  12. And the readers don’t understand yet that the US Government is a vile and evil (corrupt) government not worthy of defense, but rather deserving to be utterly destroyed.

  13. Feinstein should know. She’s been a co-conspirator in China’s multiple crimes against America for a number of years. She’s profited quite handsomely from her treasonous activities. Nobody believes she didn’t know her driver was feeding info back to the China government officials. She knew the whole time. Like Hillary’s server, it’s the way Democrat’s have been selling out America for decades.


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