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Friday, August 14, 2020

WATCH: Democrats Threatened Backlash If Biden Didn’t Choose A Black Woman For Vice President (VIDEO)

Democrat operatives have threatened backlash against Joe Biden and if he does not select a Black woman for his vice presidential running mate.

These are some statements people said, “Vice President Biden. You need us. You owe us.”

“America needs a black woman Vice President. Candidates like Amy Klobuchar will not energize us. America needs a black woman Supreme Court Justice.”

A field director for Richland County Democratic Party in South Carolina shares her thoughts on Biden picking a woman of color, “Well, you know, that’s been an interesting question and a lot of conversations surrounding that decision that Joe Biden made himself. You know, it was he himself who came out and said that his V.P. pick was going to be a woman and it was going to be a woman of color. And so it’s exciting. You know, while we’re all anticipating who that person is going to be. And we have a wealth of qualified candidates for him to choose from.”



  1. And Hiden Biden did NOT pick a black and it doesn't matter to them.

  2. Racist Threats !!! Bla Bla Bla

  3. Biden didn't pick anyone. He just nodded as the DNC threw itself a 🦴.

  4. Totally insane.
    Imagine a major corporation looking for the next executive in the company and advertising that you only needs the following on your resume:
    Black. Woman.
    Whate. Man.
    Chinese. Transgender.

  5. He accepted whom ever Pelosi and Schumer picked.

  6. Kamala Harris's birth certificate lists her mother as caucasian.


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