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Friday, August 14, 2020

Kamala Harris: Young People Are ‘Stupid’ — ‘They Make Really Bad Decisions’

Cable news pundits claimed on Tuesday night that Kamala Harris could help to motivate young voters, but a speech from 2014 may prove to make that objective more difficult.

During a speech to the Ford Foundation, the then-California Attorney General used young people as a punchline, saying they are “stupid” and that’s why they have to live with resident assistants in dormitories.

Harris was talking about drug offenders in the criminal justice system during her time as the San Francisco District Attorney and said, “What’s the other thing we know about this population? And it’s a specific phase of life. And remember, age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid.”

The audience burst into laughter. The camera cut to one woman, though, who didn’t appear amused.

“That is why we put them in dormitories, and they have a resident assistant,” Harris continued.

“They make really bad decisions.”

During a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC, Dr. Jason Johnson said, Harris’s “challenge going forward, what the Democratic Party needs, they need somebody who’s going to make young people enthusiastic.”



  1. WOW. She's a real Einstein. Look at the TV with the protests of destruction?? Stupidity is an understatement.

  2. If anyone has really read and checked into her background both as a lawyer and candidate they will know her brain is more fried than Biden's and that's saying a lot. She has always had a nasty mouth and she can't retract her entire career and what has been recorded will always follow her. She had 1% of the vote in the presidential debates and Biden had 2% we can read and hear.

  3. She’s the best thing that ever happened to the Trump campaign since Joe Biden.

  4. So are dumbocrats.

  5. Well, we all are Not Young anymore !!!

  6. Old people are stupid to, look at bad decision that biden just made!

  7. the true meaning of dumb and dumber. Racist and The fake black.

  8. We adults are Not all Stupid !!! Only the Democrats selling out America

  9. We Smart adults vote Republican since we Do see Who America's
    Enemy is > the Democrats !!! We know Right from Wrong !!!

  10. We Not all Young & Naieve anymore !!!


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