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Friday, August 14, 2020

The 'Silent Majority' Is Roaring For Trump, But the Media Ignores Them Completely

If one were to believe wholeheartedly in the America portrayed by social media and cable news, they would think that President Trump is loathed by most of the country and Joe Biden is looking at guaranteed victory in November.

News outlets have focused heavily on stories of civil unrest, protests, and looting in the past few months, framing a nation on the precipice of total fracture. Stories flood front pages about major cities voting to defund their own police department, even as murders and other violent crimes spike.

Each day, President Trump's words to the press and on social media are dissected and found wanting by his detractors. A daily snapshot of "trending topics" on Twitter shows a nation disgusted with their leader and the waning number of people who support him.



  1. No doubt that come November 3rd that America will show its true support for the Trump/Pence/Putin Team!

    1. You are so far behind in the news. Didn't you hear an FBI agent confessed there was no collusion. Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

    2. I agree there is no collusion. Putin controls them openly and transparently.

  2. Will Gov. Hogan provide National Guard troops to protect voters from intimidation and/or violence at Maryland Polling Places?

    1. I hear you

      most of maryland is on handouts

      and vote Democrat to keep the money coming in

    2. Today’s society has shown us it is up to each to protect ourselves and family. Police are losing authority so we are on our own. I have no problem with that. The only thing is we will end up a surviving bad guy. We are responsible for ourselves but are again on our own with that responsibility.

  3. If you’re going to loot and burn do it the news media’s buildings

  4. Yes, and that is why the dumbocrat evil bas####s will try and claim the election is not valid when Trump wins again in November.

    Then 4 years of "he's not legitimate"

    Vote out ALL dumbocrats even in the local elections. Dumbocrats are evil!

  5. No body in in their right minds are going to believe the media anymore after the coverage of the riots and murders in the cities. And they especially are not going to believe half of those polls and nothing the democrats put out there be in visually or in print. America is not the stupid, they are just throwing anything at the wall and seeing just how much will stick, we are not as gullible as they think, Hillary thought all her hype was going to get her the election and she still can't handle the loss.

  6. I have just come to the conclusion that Sorros is responsible for just some of the finances to ANTIFA and BLM , but China has gotten involved with supporting them both with lots of cash and because they are supported by the democrats.
    Think about it folks!

  7. We are being attacked by the government

    1. 7:28 say what. Democrats are attacking America. Democrats - Biden, Nancy, Harris and more think we Trump supporters are stupid so they throw all this BS our way thinking we will fall for it. Have you ever heard a candidate for President state I am running for 1 term and then pick a loser in her own Primary to be potential President. This is so screwed up that other countries must be laughing at us. Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

    2. The voters will clean up this mess on November 3rd. What they miss the NY Attorney General and Southern District of New York will get!

  8. 6:05 - another sip of Kool-Aid for you!

  9. Our Votes will Surprise the skeptics When Trump WINS in a Landslide !!!

    As in 2016 Polls Don't mean shhhht !!! LOL

  10. The silent majority is going to win

  11. 6:16...not gonna need it.

  12. Keep ignoring us. πŸ˜‰

  13. Thy are rarely silent and certainly no majority these days.

  14. TIME TO CLEAN UP THE MEDIA (controlled by Democrats ) 2020 !!!

    1. 10:13
      Why don’t you go ahead and actually READ a little bit about who OWNS the media corporations, Hollywood, and the Music Industry?

      Get a clue:
      They are all owned by Illuminati Jewish Families. Same people who own the private for-profit Central Banks.

  15. Fine the Media for being Biased / make it Illegal & same for Judges !!!

  16. Trump supporters are often hesitant to admit they support President Trump because they know the left will damage their cars, homes or even their lives. Often the environment at their workplace could turn toxic if they support Trump .

  17. America's Enemys are EXPOSED > Democrats !!! Not the Jews !!!

    Watch the news !!!

  18. That's ok. We will be all up in their face come November, when they announce that Trump has won AGAIN.


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