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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Tucker Carlson: America is witnessing a Brazen Power Grab


  1. Carlson is 100% correct. Sadly, I think November is going to be a route for the left which will usher in 4 very bad years.

    1. I disagree even Democrats are sick of what Democrat mayors and Governor’s have let the Marxist mob get away with

    2. I hope you're right!!! I would LOVE to be wrong about this.

  2. 939 Riots and massive overreaching power by democrat governors and mayors purposely destroying the economy is not going to win. California already had two Justice Democrats (Soros funded) lose elections to republicans. At the same time several incumbent republicans lost to younger more conservative republicans through out the country. People are tired of the Lindsey Graham’s do nothings and they want no part of communist power being offered by democrats. Trump will wipe out Biden.

  3. Walking down the plaza last night and we saw an ANTIFA looking weasel guy wearing a Biden shirt who was talking a bunch of BS so I tackled him body slammed him then sat on his face and farted ... turned a dull bury night into fun

  4. -... but works better than any system in history.-

    So why would anyone want to replace it with something proven not to work? If the ultimate stated purpose of our government is personal freedom, why protest and vote for a government with fewer freedoms,
    one that ignores the individual except to use victims of their own policies as martyrs and poster children?

    You know, in a less free United States of America, blogs like this would be content restricted, and those who spoke their minds as they do in this blog's comment sections would be suppressed in no uncertain terms, and, if need be, eliminated under the rules and special police of the Marxist Doctrine Protection Administration arm of the new government. This is how it has always played out every time it's been attempted.

  5. 12:23
    A less free US?

    Wait a few months.


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