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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Supreme Court denies request to halt Construction of the Border Wall

A number of groups, including the ACLU and Sierra Club, had asked the high court to get involved

The Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote has denied a request to halt construction of President Trump’s border wall over environmental concerns.

A number of groups, including the ACLU and Sierra Club, had asked the high court to get involved again after the justices last year cleared the way for the administration to use military funds for construction while the case played out in the courts.

A federal appeals court had ruled against the administration last month, but the justices, for now, have given another temporary victory to the administration.




  1. Democrats are against America as a country and want to impose the Chinese model of government... you’ll get to live at your workplace

  2. ACLU and Sierra club want open boarders.

    1. Nice spelling!

    2. Yea they misspelled it probably spell check correction ... but way to be a weenie

    3. 10:29......I’m sooo glad you caught that “arrow”. I was intelligent enough to know what was meant without lambasting the commenter. But it is comforting to you anyway to be the best of the best. Thank you

  3. Imagine how many small businesses failing during the pandemic could have been saved with some of that wall money. It's a shame.

    1. Imagine how many small businesses wouldn't be here to begin with if it wasn't for the influx of immigrants the climb the wall to get into this country

    2. Think of all the jobs saved because the wall is being built

    3. It would not go to small business. It would go to the illegal wall climbers that enter here. Therefore the small business along with all that work would be burdened supporting the illegal. Maybe if you desire philanthropy you could adopt as many as you can afford to support and give the working man a break.

    4. It would not go to small business. It would go to the illegal wall climbers that enter here. Therefore the small business along with all that work would be burdened supporting the illegal. Maybe if you desire philanthropy you could adopt as many as you can afford to support and give the working man a break.

    5. Think of all the law abiding American citizens that are still alive unharmed and still have everything they worked for, because of the wall.

  4. 10:19 You're funny. Keep the jokes coming.

  5. The Wall will continue because it is meant to keep US INSIDE THE COUNTRY.

    Soon it will become obvious to everybody: The US Government is corrupt and evil to its core.

    1. Why don’t you leave before the wall is complete if you believe that ???? You don’t you’re just a chronic complainer that can’t make it without government handouts and no other country will accept a dead beat like you

    2. This is where I was born and raised and my wish to remain here. You are free to take a hike to China anytime.

    3. @11:29 you’re a malcontent what have you done to create a better life ? It’s not America’s responsibility to give you everything you want you lazy bum

    4. 11:29
      The readers of this blog aren’t quite smart enough to keep up with that line of thinking. They still think this is the 1970s US Government.

      Give them another month or two.

  6. Oh so the Supreme Court justices showed up to work to do their jobs for once.


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