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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Laura Ingraham: Teachers Unions may prove 'Nonessential' to Parents

Democrats want "lockdowns plus trillions in welfare spending -- until apparently there is zero virus in America"

The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association are two of the most powerful forces in America -- but their recent pursuits may be wearing thin with parents and students, Laura Ingraham said Thursday.

Teachers unions are using the coronavirus pandemic to push online-only learning -- and shutter brick-and-mortar schooling for an unknown period of time, the host of Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle" said.

"The NEA and AFT are powerful forces, but they only remain so, I think, if Americans continue to believe that public education is still worthwhile," Ingraham said.

"By refusing to teach, by politicizing curricula, by jeopardizing our childrens' mental and physical well-being, they are showing us how nonessential they are becoming.



  1. Public education has outlived its usefulness.

  2. Teachers should just refuse to go back this fall. You'd see how essential they are real quick.

    1. You're confusing parents and law enforcement with Teachers.

  3. The Janus case took away just about anything the associations/unions held. Teachers no longer need to belong and can have a much better attorney on call through legal shield, and at a far better price. The unions will go the way of the dodo.

  4. One GOOD thing about this COVID is it has Opened the eyes of parents, at last to the failures of Public Education...Parents are using alternative methods of education in droves...

  5. 935
    Its usefulness (purpose) was outlined by John D. Rockefeller who helped fund it.
    Its purpose was to produce "good workers".

    We are cattle. Useless eaters and will be culled by the elite bloodlines.

    Get ready. We are in the End Times for humanity.

    1. You made my point better than I did. Well said.

  6. There is nothing that a teacher in a distance program teaches, save hands-on classes, that can't be taught by a remote substitute teacher working part time with one or two teaching assistants to help the hundreds of kids (instead of 30 per period) that the teacher could instruct all at one time. Imagine, people who have had actual experience using the things they learned in school and in years of adult life instead of someone who's only seen the inside of hundreds of classrooms except for those three months every year waiting tables or renting umbrellas at the beach, teaching those classes; what a concept.

    1. Go for it! I challenge you to teach hundreds(with a couple aides) part time. Share your test scores when done please!🤣🤣🤣

  7. GOD works in mysterious ways!

  8. Not all teachers and staff belong to the unions and some of us DO want to go back to working with students in person. Please do not demonize ALL of us because there are SOME of us who went into this field because we want to make a difference and really do enjoy our job. I personally hated the distance learning but I am only one voice.

  9. Gates wants school online. He says the idea of school buildings are outdated. So it is coming and fast. Questions is, does the population realize the indoctrination and teach on their own? Or do we allow Gates to continue to indoctrinate our kids online where they can continue to change history and continue to have the masses not be able to think outside the box? The teachers are not the enemy. The department of education is the enemy. Please thank a teacher near you. It is alot of stress for them too.

  10. Fire all Education and BOE employees and make them all private business jobs. They don't want to work then this is the only alternative.

    Then return all my tax dollars that went towards education funding.

  11. Mothers are becoming the teaching assistants and existing the workforce. Like mail carriers, what's so special about the people they replace? Now, if teachers freed the parents from teaching and allowed them to work, that's a different story (but it's not). The Unions want their teachers NOT to teach or babysit. Let them deliver mail for the short time that agency has to survive.


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