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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tom Del Beccaro: Kamala Harris, Biden's VP pick, views politics as a game

Harris's convictions aren't about the issues, they're about power and the limelight

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, after many delays, has finally announced his choice for vice president. He's chosen former presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., as his running mate.

Time will tell the real story behind why Biden chose Harris. Meanwhile, what is blatantly apparent is that Harris is not ready to be president. That is no small consideration given what critics have referred to as potential cognitive issues for the 77-year-old former vice president. These potential cognitive issues could make Harris president of the United States -- and in short order.

Indeed, for the first time in American history, voters are presented with the real possibility they are selecting someone with the knowledge that the vice-presidential candidate could be president within four years – or less.



  1. If Biden gets elected, the dumbocrat party will pressure him to step down - or reveal his dementia anyway! This will happen within the first calendar year...

    We really need to Re-elect President Trump!

    Go Vote!

  2. Politics is a game. The saddest part is the ridiculous contributions. That money could be better spent helping American Citizens

  3. New bumper sticker PIMP & HOE. Needed to reform the US

  4. That's their plan. Or else - Biden steps down before the election and Hillary is nominated as the Democrats nominee with Harris as VP. If not when Biden steps down Harris will be President and Booker VP.

    Need to vote Trump 2020 or we are screwed.

  5. they call her camel harris, cuz she's humped everyone in DC 😂

  6. Female Hitler making her plans !!!

  7. Watch her like a Hawk !!! Very Dangerous to America Remember WW2 & Germany !!! Power & Govt is NO JOKE !!!

    Nobody would have thought Hitler would become so powerful , but he
    DID !!!

    America's Biggest Threat is from WITHIN < Not Russia Not China


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