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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Surging Gun Sales Triggers Second Ammo Shortage Of This Year

The virus pandemic triggered a socio-economic bomb across major US metro areas resulting in one of the largest panic hoardings of guns and ammo by fearful consumers in quite some time, if not ever.

Gregory Ionadi, 75, the owner of gun shop Smoke N' Guns, located in Oakmont, Pennsylvania, told PJ Media:

"Prior to the COVID outbreak, President Obama was the best gun salesman we ever had," said Ionadi. "Anytime he was going to ban this, ban that, there was a rush on gun sales. When President Trump was elected, the fear of a gun ban subsided, and sales were so flat that several gun manufacturers went out of business."

Ionadi said sales at his gun shop erupted during the pandemic. He said he made more gun and ammo sales from March to April than what was done in the last three years, calling the period absolutely "crazy."

He said once the social unrest spread across the country by late May into early summer, the second round of panic buying occurred.

"You wouldn't believe the first-time gun buyers I've seen," said Ionadi. "I started seeing little old ladies — 70, 80 years old — wanting to defend themselves because of what was going on. So, I had to change my thinking. I had to start buying .22 Magnum revolvers. I have some revolvers here, but I had to start buying revolvers that women and older folks could use because they are easy to handle. Semi-auto and a revolver are two different things."

Gun stocks soared this summer as gun background checks rose 79% in July year-over-year.



  1. After years of watching this crowd, I already know you aren't too good at critical thinking, so sorry for pointing out what should be obvious:

    The same folks supporting media and political advocacy that constantly plays up on your fears, are the same folks who have a direct profit incentive in......you guessed it, "playing up on your fears".

  2. The new Civil War is coming, Nov. 4th. When Trump wins re-election!!!

  3. 12:42 how can he win, when your vote doesn't count and you have to mail inn your vote?

  4. My fists are always locked and loaded

    1. 311
      But are they registered?

    2. I wouldn't bringing fist to a gun fight 4:19, not a smart idea.

    3. 3:11 - why don’t you run right out and show us all how tough you are. Be sure to take someone to video the butt whipping you will get, if you do t get shot first. We’ll all be waiting to watch you keyboard cowboy.

  5. African American gun owners rising exponentially. You know what that means, only a matter of time before Republicans pass gun control laws.

    1. Gun control laws don't work !!!!
      Criminals don't care about laws.

  6. I got plenty , should have seen it coming idiots.

  7. you got a license to carry those guns 311?


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