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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Has America Entered A New Era Of Permanent Civil Unrest?

In 2020, it seems like each new day brings more headlines about chaos on the streets of America, and on Monday that included violence right outside the gates of the White House. It is being reported that there was “an active shooter near the White House”, and we are being told that the Secret Service shot a “male suspect” and that the “male suspect” had been transported to the hospital. I am sure that we will learn more about this incident in the days ahead, and we should be thankful that the Secret Service was able to easily handle this situation.

But there are reports that a group of protesters plans to “lay siege” to the White House in the weeks leading up to the election, and so officials will undoubtedly have their hands full as we draw closer to November.

Meanwhile, we just witnessed five hours of rioting, looting and violence in Chicago. Some rioters exchanged gunfire with police, and ultimately a decision was made to raise bridges going into the city in order to contain the violence

Chicago officials raised bridges and suspended some train and bus service Monday morning after unrest and looting caused widespread damage in the city’s downtown overnight.

Videos that were circulating on social media captured the early morning scenes of hundreds of people in the streets, dozens of police officers, looting and confrontations with the police. There was also an exchange of gunfire with the police in the downtown, according to a police spokesman, Tom Ahren. He said on Twitter early Monday that there were “shots fired at police who returned fire,” and that no officers were injured.”

In the past, a night of chaos like that would have been the top headline in the country for days, but now it is “just another riot” which will soon fade from memory.



  1. This will last only as long as they are being PAID to do it...

  2. NO, once they crash the economy to cover for their high inflation from printing money, they will push AI and digital currency and robots, once that settles in, there will be no more unrest, you will do as they say, how they say to do it and when or you have no life!!!! But keep on wearing yoyr masks

  3. That is what Liberal Socialist Communist want and love.

    We need to go back to the "DEATH PENALTY" with very short appeal time,

    Lock up law breakers / criminals and put them on road crews to earn their keep. open up ag farms so they can grow their own food and pay for their room and board, work them until they are to tired to enjoy the luxuries they should not have and less time to create disturbances Take away the luxuries such as cable and tvs, limit tv time and exercise time.

    Criminals do not want to do nothing but lay around and do nothing. Make them know there is never something for nothing.

  4. No, it's mot permanent. It will be this way until a brutal, communist regime is in place.

  5. As long as Trump haters are in this world.

  6. It could all be over and done with if the REPUBLICANS had a pair of Ball's.

  7. Nah, just the silent majority coming out of the woodwork in their white hoods again. We beat the Nazis once before, we just need to take care of the facists on our home soil now

  8. The dream has changed. You may not marry your high school sweetheart get an unskilled living wage job and buy a house raise your children and adore your grandchildren and have wholesome imaginings of YOUR generations to come. Repeated Regulation and Deregulation has exploited our resources and polluted the garden and our immunity and abject greed has created a political and social crisis selling the said Dream to basically wage slaves.
    We need more than a politician we need divine intervention.


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