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Monday, August 31, 2020

Subject: "She Hasn't Done Her Job": Looting, Riots, & Mayoral Ineptitude Prompt Mass Exodus Of Chicago Residents

While mayor Lori Lightfoot continues to try and assure the public that she has everything under control, the exodus from Chicago as a result of the looting and riots is continuing. Citizens of Chicago are literally starting to pour out of the city, citing safety and the Mayor's ineptitude as their key reasons for leaving.

Hilariously, in liberal politicians' attempt to show the world they don't need Federal assistance and that they don't need to rely on President Trump's help, they are inadvertently likely creating more Trump voters, as residents who seek law and order may find no other choice than to vote Republican come November.

And even though residents understand the looting and riots in some cases, they are not waiting around for it to get better on its own, nor are they waiting around for it to make its way to their house, their families or their neighborhoods.



  1. She's done everything that Georg Soros pays her to do.

  2. Actually SHITCOGO has been a cesspool for decades. PEOPLE have been looking for a reason to leave the SHITHOLE. Now the democrats have given them one. Let the blacks have it. We already know what will happen.

  3. Fleet Admiral Ackbar (look it up snowflakes..Star Wars movies) can keep asking for help, but her time as Mayor is almost over...just like the prior one before and before that and before that and before that.... Who wants that job except nutjobs. Build the wall around Chitown and maken it a prison. A la Escape from New York and LA.

  4. Worst Mayor in Chicago's history she'll never get re-elected maybe she can get a job at McDonalds it's all she's qualified for. The city will never forget the turmoil she allowed to happen nor will the country this campaign year forget these looser mayors,


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