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Monday, August 31, 2020

California pastor told Trump: 'Any real, true believer' will vote for him over Biden

Grace Community Church pastor John MacArthur said Friday that he told President Trump "any real, true believer" of Christianity will be forced to vote for him in November, due to the conflicting ideologies between the Democratic party's platform and a belief in Jesus Christ.

"We love God, we desire to honor him, and upholding righteousness in a society is what a church is supposed to do," he explained. "So I said, any real, true believer is going to be on your side in this election because it's not just an individual, it's an entire set of policies that Christians canno
t, in any way, affirm."


  1. So true. Anyone who declares themselves Christian and does not vote for President Trump, is a liar and the truth is not in them.

    1. Absolutely. Because he treats everyone with respect and dignity and is always truthful.

  2. A vote for Biden is a vote for a return to segregation and slavery

    1. How do you get that - slaveryπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Biden will give America away to China and then you can talk about slavery to China. Segregation is only in the minds of voters for Biden. You ain't black if you don't vote for Biden. Isn't that exactly what Biden said. You are not Black meaning your skin color determines your intelligence. Biden is disgraceful.

  3. There are no if's and's or but's about it. You are a liar if you say you are a Christian and vote democrat.

  4. Democrats care less about killing babies so what do you think they would do to you if you disagree with them. Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  5. Don’t mean any harm pastor, but we already know that. Thanks though.

  6. If you think Trumps even opened a Bible you need mental help.

    1. I saw Trump with a Bible during the Democrat riot in DC after they tried to burn a church

    2. 2:35 Oh but he has. He mentions God in many of his speeches. You got anything else? Cause I know you’re big mad at the pastor πŸ˜‚

  7. Know several big churchgoers who say they are Christians and are proud to say they will be voting for Biden. There is no way their twisted brains can think any other way and totally disagree with anything I may say positive about our President. Even had an so called Evangelical minister tell me he disagreed with me when I expressed my concern for Biden. He hates our President so much that it does not matter in their minds.

  8. How the HELL can any Christian vote for BIDEN?? How can any true Christian go to ND or GEORGETOWN?? Two once great universities have become government run by atheists.

  9. You cannot be a Christian and vote for Biden. Impossible!!

  10. Anyone (and it is ONLY democrats) that says a baby can be BORN ALIVE(!!), fully formed and functional, and then placed on a table in a blanket and be left there to die, should NEVER be allowed to hold a public office, considering the fact that the very first thing a politician is responsible for is the safety and security of citizens -- and I hate to break it to you democrat goofs, but a LIVING BREATHING BABY is still a CITIZEN. With all the rights YOU hold so dearly, you know, like "life, liberty, and happiness"?
    How long do you goofs think it's going to take for them to start killing the retarded kids (maybe one of yours), or the old folks (maybe YOUR parents), or the disabled (definitely YOU)?
    YOU opened the door and let me be clear -- they are coming in like gangbusters.
    Run some film from Germany, circa 1940-41 or so.
    Hitler was killing the weak-minded, the Jews, gypsies, and anyone else the MILLIONS of his cheerleaders loved to see gone.
    MILLIONS OF CHEERLEADERS. Think about that. Millions. Go Hitler go!!
    Now, it's YOU doing the cheering, but you think it's different this time??

    One more reason you will be crying again in 2 months -- your so-called logic, your "justifications", and your twisted reasoning is sickening to most Americans.
    You are nothing but self-absorbed, me first, arrogant and grossly stupid, selfish loudmouths with nothing to offer society and CIVILIZATION except more reasons why you are a helpless victim of fascism or racism (pick an "ism", you guys seems to have a lot of them), and can never be anything unless everyone sees it YOUR WAY. Or else.....
    The Trump nation is going to destroy you. I can't wait.

  11. No True Scotsman fallacy at play.

    Who gets to define what a "true Christian" is?

    Any Christian should have an exceptionally difficult time voting for either of these idiots.

    Weaponizing and politicizing religion to forward a political ends is disgusting and abhorrent.

    Christians turn a blind eye to behaviors of Trump that they would scold a toddler for engaging in. He has USED the Evangelicals and played them like a fiddle for his political gain. What Christian can't name a bible verse he likes? That was Trump. Which Christian can't differentiate between old and new Testaments? Trump. What Christian doesn't go to Church? Trump. What Christian cheats on all 3 of his wives and pays off porn stars with hush money? Trump. What Christian brags about grabbing women by the you know what? Trump. What Christian gasses and attacks American Citizens for a photo op where he holds "A bible" not "his bible", and the leadership of said church condemned him for it? Trump.

    Trump is the most divisive President in modern history. He declared that he had total power, how all of the country didn't revolt then is astonishing to me. He is the single most dangerous person to have in power. He rules via smoke and mirrors, he is a tyrant that acts with fascist tactics that lashes out and crushes any descent even in his own party.

    Any Christian that votes for Trump is voting for the destruction of America. This is so obvious that if you don't see it you are will fully ignoring it. Trump is the guy at the helm, this is HIS America! How does it look to you? You want four more years of this?

    Trump doesn't fix, he doesn't heal... he USES. How can he use this latest tragedy to help himself. HIMSELF. Not you, not Americans, not America... HIMSELF.

    I pray to God that you all come to your senses... see that this emperor wears no clothes, and vote out this grifter. NO, Biden isn't ideal... but he's better than the con man grifter.

    How many of his associates have been indicted or jailed? He is only protected because he is immune by being President. He is purposely hiding his taxes because he doesn't want to be exposed as the lying grifter that he is. He hides his school records for the same reason. He is a lying con man and he has you all fooled!

    Trump is t

    1. 8:50 Bless your heart. We have come to our senses. We did almost 4 years ago. And will do it again this November. I do however find it funny you would mention Trump hid his school records. You do know Obama hid his school records. His college records. His law school records. You go ahead and vote for Biden. And America will look like Portland. Jesus I pray God gives you some brains to use🀦‍♀️


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