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Monday, August 31, 2020

Kenosha Or Kosovo? Shocking Images Reveal Destruction After Race Riots Leave Buildings In Ruins

Harrowing scenes of destruction have emerged from Kenosha, where several nights of BLM riots have left the Wisconsin town looking like it's been through war.

Entire buildings have been reduced to rubble, businesses have been destroyed, and parking lots full of burnt-out cars are all that's left in some parts of the town, after riots over the shooting of 29-year-old black suspect Jacob Blake only came to a halt after President Trump sent the National Guard to restore order.

Josh Glancy, Washington Bureau Chief of the Sunday Times documented some of the aftermath, which locals believe was caused largely by "out of towners."

The worst hit area is uptown, beating heart of the city's black community. Ice cream shops, nail salons, faith missions, all smouldering husks /2 pic.twitter.com/hodOHhbd16— Josh Glancy (@joshglancy) August 29, 2020

Every single local I spoke to blamed "out of towners" for the worst of the destruction. They didn't offer a huge amount of evidence for this, but it's a blanket consensus /4 pic.twitter.com/vboZYrRK9y— Josh Glancy (@joshglancy) August 29, 2020

Pretty much every boarded up shop has a mural or painting on it now. Some have plaintive requests to prospective fire starters: "Kids live upstairs" /6 pic.twitter.com/PcaNJs3lnK— Josh Glancy (@joshglancy) August 29, 2020

The owner of this bar told me they'd opened just before the pandemic. Having eventually reopened, it was broken into this week, he estimated $25k worth of damage /8 pic.twitter.com/4BFh8zcgRM— Josh Glancy (@joshglancy) August 29, 2020

Glancey closes by noting: As we were talking, a young man came to ask the owner where the nearest post box was. "There used to be two across the street," he replied. "But they both just got burnt."



  1. Why are ALL black communities violent and crime ridden and predominantly white communities are safe and crime free for the most part???

  2. Not our problem. It's mostly black neighborhoods and it's a democrat stronghold The people must have no choice to suffer. They grew it now they will and can suffer the consequences

    1. If Biden wins your new next door neighbor will be a section 8 black resident. I can see it now - spouse in jail down the street from you and wifey and kids living next door to you. You - a hard-working taxpayer paying for your neighbors needs. Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. You are being civilized by using the word “spouse.”

  3. If just a handful of militia members opened fire early it could’ve been avoided but hey if they want to destroy their shit hole neighborhood go for it when have they ever improved a city they lived in ? But they’re the victims ha

  4. Don't worry, they will request emergency funding to rebuild from President Trump. What is happening is rediculous. Only in America.

  5. There are those whose mission is and has been to destabilize black communities to perpetuate the narrative and keep the racial fire smoldering and blacks perceived not as individuals, but as single group of angry misfits and reactionaries. The Left is guilty of promoting and profiting by supporting this twisted mindset.

  6. Google Antifa.com and see what comes up. Joe Biden!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Obama called for a civilian group well armed as the military and suddenly ANTIFA was created . This terrorist insurrection was created by the Democrat party

  7. Hard to tell the difference with Putin playing a big role in both.

  8. burn baby burn - disco inferno

  9. There's nothing that says Black Lives Matter better than stealing a case of liquor and burning the store as you leave. Talk about getting your point across....

    Gaining more credibility every day.

    BUT, there is one burning, unanswered question the media is ignoring.
    Where you gonna buy yo lottery tickets now???

    The day you bring that BS into the countryside is the day your movement comes to and end. A big dead end.

    Which is why, I think, you people keep that sh** in the ghetto.


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