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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

School Board Answers County Council’s Questions On Reopening Plans

SALISBURY – Questions about student instruction, teacher accountability and school bus contractors highlighted a discussion between county leaders and school board officials last week.

In a meeting of the Wicomico County Council last week, members of the Wicomico County Board of Education met with county leaders to answer questions surrounding the school system’s recovery plan for the coming academic year.

“This plan has been finalized,” Superintendent Donna Hanlin said, “but we do consider it a working document and we will tweak things as we move along.”

Earlier this month, Hanlin presented the school system’s recovery plan for the academic year, which will start virtually this fall. While the school system will focus on remote learning for the first semester, Hanlin made it clear to the county council last week she hoped to reintroduce larger groups of students into buildings by October.



  1. Very sad and one sided the way this was handled. I read the letters my daughter received yesterday. There is no consideration taken as to the available areas for work places for multiple students. She has 4. There is no way zoom is going to run at a usable rate if it doesn't crash with all 4 on at same time. There cannot be provided a separate work space with the distance requirements asked for. Two are Kindergarteners and i have seen them try to manipulate a mouse. With out classroom instruction this is going to be a waste of time and energy.the different ages have different lunch times. That should be a riot while the others are working, since one of the workstations will be at the Dining table like last year. This whole thing is going to be a cluster.
    Thought only given to keeping schools closed and kids at home so no social interaction learning skill can take place. STOP running scared and trying to scare the children. We tell them it is bogus and people are just misinformed by media and those who want them to be afraid.
    Lets hope we wake up soon before we ruin all future generations.

  2. Boy, there's some qualified thoughts being presented in that meeting.

  3. I want to be reimbursed my tax dollars, since the BOE and Teachers Unions do not want to uphold their contracts. Not all students can do virtual without costing the County more money for the BOE to waste.

    OPEN SCHOOLS and all BOE personnel and Teachers report to duty or GIVE BACK my tax dollars.

  4. Come on. These schools are nothing more than minority daycare centers. They won't learn. They are disruptive. They are disrespectful. They are a SAFTEY hazard. The EDUCATION system is a place to hangout during the day and get breakfast/lunches. PERIOD!! Why not close the schools this year?? Let parents home school or private school. Then see how many actually come back next year to the daycare.

  5. I can't homeschool because I have to work, my husband works as well. We do not make enough for private school. We are what you call "middle-class" meaning: we make "too much" (I use that term loosely) to get any help at all and too little to actually do anything in life aside tread water just for a roof over our heads. This is designed for working families to fail. Those who are privileged enough to rely on my hard-earned tax money for not working have the luxury of staying home. We do not!
    I am one of many, many, many people with the same problem. They don't speak up because they have been shamed into the whole "your selfish, COVID-19 is deadly" crowd, and "teachers are not your day-care" crowd.
    We still pay the taxes and in return our kids half-a$$ed education and we are given one more impossible task that we cannot get done in our already hopelessly disrupted lives. OPEN SCHOOLS!

  6. Heres an idea. Short of all these talks, studies, group research polling, etc. etc., etc. just go back to the way things were.
    It's really that easy. No challenge involved.
    The numbers are good. Really good (amen to that). What we have now are good therapeutics and an understanding of what this is. Vaccines are not too far off and so far about 106,000 people have gotten it and recovered. Great news indeed.

  7. Open the schools. COVID-19 is not as bad as they are leading us to believe, with only a mortality rate of 100th of one percent globally. This is all a political sham.

  8. One last year and I’m done with the public school system

  9. So ridiculous- notice that they admit kids will gather together in parent led "pods" and that other community organizations are planning to try to offer a place for students to go. Soooooooo.... the kids are going to be together ANYWAY and if I were a parent leading a pod you can bet I would not be enforcing masks or social distancing. If they really believed COVID was the danger they say it is they would want them in the school environment where contact could be under some control. They just enjoy getting paid for doing a fraction of the work. TAX REFUND!!!

  10. How come all these experts, term used lightly, do not want to change up the ventilation system to a negative air flow instead of the positive air flow that is how all systems are adjusted.

    Negative air flow is a process that rebalances the a/c system. It draws out the contaminated air and replaces it with outside air.

    Positive air flow recycles the inside air which does not get rid of the contaminates but recirculates it through out the buildings.

    Negative air flow is used on medical units designed for TB patients and is mandated before the area can be certified.

    BOE and the TEACHERS UNION are not demanding this change. They are refusing to demand this change because they want to sit home on their A$$ and get paid instead of being mandated to fulfill their contracts.

    This constitutes them being fired with no compensation.

    This constitutes me and other tax payers to be reimbursed our tax dollars.

  11. Hey Donna, you aren't installing a microphone and camera in my home so you can stick your plan up your ass. I don't trust any of you farther than I can throw you.

    Good luck trying to do this in section 8 housing. When one of your teachers calls the police on some of those families for inane things and they find out you okayed it you'll probably have a mob wishing to discuss it.

    They aren't rational. Hell, I doubt most at this point know what plan you conveniently decided for all of us.


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