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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

"The General Public Gets It": Sheila Bair Blasts Fed For Creating Income Inequality, Slams Politicians For Keeping Silent

Since its inception, this website has preached that at the root of all evil in US - and frankly any other society which prints its own currency - is the central bank. Month after month, year after year, we have warned that the Fed, which Thomas Jefferson among the founding fathers prophetically warned against in a warning that carried all the way until 1913 when, following a secret meeting at the aptly named Jekyll Island, the Fed was sprung into existence, just in time for the first World War.

And while superficially the charter of the Fed - which to this day remains a fully private institution unlike most of its peers...

... has operated under the superficially noble mandate to "promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long term interest rates", yet by constantly prompting a inflationary mandate and debasing the dollar, has spawned a series of boom-bust cycles, which have resulted in an unprecedented wealth (and income) divide, with a handful of people owning the vast majority of financial assets, while the rest of the population - including the vast majority of the middle class - has seen its purchasing power decline year after year.



  1. I am mystified, how is it that the U.S. Constitution can be so clear and yet so ignored? Article 1 Sec 10 reads "no state shall ...make any thing but gold or silver coin a tender in payment of debts". Obviously there are other parts I omitted here, but the salient message remains. To adhere to this constitutional mandate would prevent rampant monetary manipulation. Ignore the inconvenient and just charge ahead seems the beltway manner, hah.

    1. 7:39
      That is the point!
      In 1913 Congress illegally amended the US Constitution to give the power of currency creation to a private (secret) group of Jewish Banking Families.

      Just like in the 1st Century, someone needs to “chase them from the Temple with a whip”.

      They are LIARS like their Father, Satan.

  2. Politicians are in with the top earners, of course they don't want to change it!
    They want the lower class and what is left of the "middle class" to be too busy fighting each other to see where the real threat is.
    I am all for capitalism, but this is not a "free market" when people in power vote to make the system better for themselves and stifle others from prospering. Capitalism is not the enemy, its the corruption taking place and the diversion that they are putting up to hide it.
    This is not a partisan issue, its rampant throughout.

  3. Blame Reagan decreasing taxes on the wealthy (himself). Since the 70's productivity has skyrocketed and workers wages has remained all but stagnant. We've let the men behind the curtain create a society that works only for them with shell companies in the Cayman's letting them dodge all responsibility for contributing back to their county.

  4. I am a Country Boy born and raised on the Farm and I understand there will always be income inequality.

    The rich will never become poorer but always gain wealth. Politians are proof of that.

    When the rich has their taxes raised or their expenses increase they always raise their prices and their income any way they can.

    Who pays the price the ones who has a lesser income and they get poorer while the rich get richer.

    This is a simple way of telling people how stupid they are to believe these Politians in their propaganda.

    They will never allow all others to have their wealth. They are a bunch of so-called educated con-artist that attempts to always find followers to believe them.

    1. 11:17
      Even a country boy can read.
      Try the Creature from Jekyll Island for starters.

      The article is correct: the Fed is the problem.
      Not “rich people”.

    2. Spot on they are indeed con artists.


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