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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Larger Wind Turbine Plans Allowed To Proceed; Project Developer Required To Improve Communication With OC

OCEAN CITY — The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) last week issued an order approving Ørsted’s use of the 12-megawatt turbines for its Skipjack offshore wind project despite Ocean City’s concerns on the visual impact off the resort coast.

In the order, the PSC also admonished the parent company Ørsted for not reaching out to stakeholders, including Ocean City, on the change in turbine height, however. Skipjack’s original proposal included the use of eight-megawatt turbines, but last year Ørsted announced it was going with the GE Haliade-X 12-megawatt turbines deemed the largest commercially-available wind turbines in the world.

In June, the PSC held an evidentiary hearing on the proposed change in wind turbine size for Ørsted’s Skipjack project off the coast of Ocean City. The evidentiary hearing was called when Skipjack announced its intention to switch from the previously proposed eight-megawatt turbines to the much larger 12-megawatt turbine, now believed to be the largest commercial wind turbine available.

When Skipjack moved to the 12-megawatt turbine, the town of Ocean City, which, from the beginning has not objected to the project, but only wanted the turbines to be sited at a distance where they would not be visible from the shore, urged the PSC to hold an evidentiary hearing on the proposed turbine change. After a well-attended public hearing in Ocean City in January, the PSC agreed to hold the evidentiary hearing and it took place in early June.



  1. “The project will continue to engage with all stakeholders on creating a project that all Marylanders can be proud of. We look forward to continuing our work in delivering clean and reliable energy to over 35,000 homes in the Delmarva region.”

    There is NO SUCH thing as reliable wind power.

    And who are the stakeholders? Some get rich and the electric customers get the bill.

    In 10 years they will need to be torn down at an extreme cost.

  2. That's the end of OC once and for all. It's going to look like Trimpers carnival on the ocean. I can't believe they are willing to destroy a million dollar view for this. They are expensive. They aren't energy efficient. They are an eyesore. You can't dispose of them when needed. How DUMB can these people be?? There is evidence that all of my statements are true. Not to mention it kills all sorts of ocean life. As usual. The manufacturer and politicians get rich. While the Taxpayers are left with the cost.

  3. You can thank Mike Dunn, Jake Day and John Cannon for supporting this garbage!

  4. Boomers aversion to a healthier planet for superficial reasons is a great summary for their generation.

  5. And after 10 to 20 years, what do you do with blades? As of now they can't be recycled as the are made of fiberglass and resin. So much for cleaning up the environment. All for about thirty five thousand customers. Is it really worth it?

  6. If the turbines are bigger, it's only obvious that OC wants to translate that to more revenue for the Town.

  7. Bob Aswell ....RealistAugust 26, 2020 at 10:21 AM

    The Md. Public Utility Commission is like the rest of Hoggans' flunkies. They are going to allow whatever amount of mayhem the donation money they've took will buy. These are the same bastards that allowed Delmarva Power to charge $17.00 to read 'their meter'. These are the same bastards that have had 5 billing increases in 6 years.

    Have you heard anything from your local politicians on these topics? No, because they take money from power companies not even in the St. of Md., Jim Mathias did because I checked his donation reports.

    People really need to wise up. Cronyism and special consideration for the special interest is the rule of the day. Beings on this panel is hand picked to do the behind the scenes dirt for Hoggan and his special interests who keep him flushed with money.

    None of the Eastern Shore Delegation, because of favoritism has dared to take ANY position on ANY thing to keep these appointees in their seats to do the dirt of Hoggan and others.

    Corroza was supposed to be the cure all to end all and she's been worthless from day one. When you see these turbines on the horizon OC, be more careful when you vote. The rest of them are totem poles who sit on their ass and collect a St. paycheck and benefits to do nothing and say nothing so they sail until retirement or defeat.

    I don't understand why the choke-hold on politics and standards can't be broke so this area would 'really' advance in time.

  8. Hideous. Inefficient. Landfill in 20 years.

  9. Truth is turbines will not last 10 years. Turbines are junk that will leak oil into the ocean. Turbines will kill birds, porpoises, turtles, sharks, and whales. Turbines will increase the cost of local ratepayers electricity. Turbines will be destroyed by even a mild hurricane. Turbines reduce fishing grounds. Turbines create a hazard to boaters and maintenance workers. Turbines create light pollution as at night ocean watchers will no see hundreds of red blinking lights.

  10. What happened to that windmill at Chesapeake College? Hmmm.

  11. How is Trump allowing this??

    1. Look at your fool local corrupt government. If you knew the situation. This was in the works long before Trump.

  12. The system is rigged to allow renewable energy even though wind and solar harm the environment and produce little energy while using 400 times more land.

  13. I can't wait for your generation to go away forever so we can make some actual progress.

  14. These companies should be required to post a bond that covers the cost of removal of these unrecyclable turbines.
    Any where you put up wind or solar you need traditional generating capacity on stand by or the grid will collapse when the wind turbines drop out.
    Wind turbines need just the right amount of wind, too little no good and too much no good.

    Do these idiots look around and do some simple research before making these VERY EXPENSIVE decisions?

    Kalifornistan is having rolling blackouts because of too much "renewable" energy.

    Australia has the exact same problem as Kalifornistan but instead of rolling blackouts Australia has massive blackouts because the grid goes down like dominoes.

    These people are FOOLS!

  15. 12:47 Isaiah 5:21

  16. Juice isn't worth the squeeze.

    Rt 50 Bridge NEEDS to be replaced.

    Rt 589 NEEDS to be expanded to 2 lanes each way.

    How many DECADES did it take to make Rt 113 2 lanes both ways?

    Juice for turbines aint worth the squeeze.

  17. Hey 9:10 and 12:47 I have a question for you: the fan blades need to be changed regularly. They are not recyclable, but will sit in a landfill forever. Where do you intend to put these monstrosities? Oh, wait, not your problem. But it will be....

  18. 12:47

    If there isn't a phone app for "progress" then you won't know how to do anything you stupid twit.

  19. Shranka of Section 8August 27, 2020 at 7:15 PM

    We need to fill in the Ocean with Dirt

    Build Section 8 housing and other affordable housing

    We can call the multi development:

    Black Ocean Estates


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