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Friday, August 07, 2020

Nevada, Virginia See Unemployment Spikes

Some state benefit funds are running dry.

Nevada, Virginia and New Mexico are seeing the biggest jumps in new unemployment claims as a new wave of closings prompts more layoffs, according to figures released today by the Department of Labor for the week ending July 25.

Nevada claims rose almost 50% in two weeks, to about 22,000, with Virginia up 44% and New Mexico up 21%. However, states with coronavirus spikes such as Florida and Texas saw continued drops in claims. Florida’s claims were down 34% and Texas down 28%.

Nationally claims were up for the second straight week, to 1.4 million.

Nevada is struggling to find alternatives to an unemployment fund that’s expected to run dry within weeks, with a wave of new business closings fueling more unemployment.



  1. Mostly black. Of course it jumped. To busy Rioting and looting. To worried about removing statues of hero's. They don't have time to work.

    1. Shamika of Section 8August 7, 2020 at 11:38 PM

      work ?

      you crazy ?

      I gets my stuff free.....

    2. I agree with your comment. The sad part is, a large percent of the trash on the front lines are White. Likely schooled by our public education (indoctrination). Heck, you can’t take a drive or peek at TV without seeing some dumbass old White woman dragging a piece of cardboard with blm scribbled on it. Many I would guess have a worthless degree in some subject that affords them a document (attractive) to display on a wall of their choice.

    3. The ones you see on the Frontline our the libutard elites offspring. These Lilly WHITE girls wouldn't be so cocky if they get a nightstick across the head. It's going to happen. Then you will see these lesbians and FAGS run and hide.


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