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Friday, August 07, 2020

Biden remark on African American vs. Latino 'attitudes' sparks concern

Biden raises eyebrows with remark contrasting African American, Latino diversity

He made the comments during an interview that aired at the NAHJ and NABJ convention

Former Vice President Joe Biden raised eyebrows Thursday with comments comparing the African American and Latino communities.

During an interview that aired at the convention of the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists, NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro pressed the presumptive Democratic nominee if he would "re-engage" with Cuba as president, something she suggested would have an impact on Cuban-American voters in Florida.

"Yes, yes," Biden responded. "And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”



  1. Think about it. For once he gets it right.

  2. They will bury this statement so fast.

  3. He accidentally told the truth and his bosses (financiers) will be mad as heck

  4. 439. You're right. Sad to say that Biden losing his mind is the only thing making him speak his true beliefs after all these years.

  5. Biden once took an IQ test, it came back negative and he was relieved.

  6. In his mind he is absolutely right. Look, our next President is just being candid. He is a honest man, and what he perceives he believes.

    1. Yes 7:10, Trump is always candid
      TRUMP 2020

    2. 7:10 - you are kidding, right? You perceive Biden will be the next POTUS so you believe? The guy is a train wreck hiding from the world and hoping he gets elected. Every time he opens his mouth he screws it up so badly that his handlers don’t know what to do next. Once he picks his VP candidate, the nail will be in the coffin.

  7. Well it's different cultures within cultures. The blacks are pretty much set in their ways and ideas. And that is from being railroaded by democrat policies for years.

  8. I work with Latinos on some jobs and their work ethic is good. They are working with their children on education. They are working hard so their children will have a better life. So yes that is pretty diverse from the A.A. community

    1. section 8 in Da BuryAugust 7, 2020 at 9:09 PM

      Yo, we beeeeee chillin 736


  9. I agree with 7:36 pm. How many A. A. Do you see working for landscaping companies, how many Blacks pick crab. Biden is right for a change. There is a huge difference between A. A. and Latinos. Work ethic is one. Biden supporters don't like his comment.

  10. Only thing biden's ever said that makes sense. With few exception blacks are still nothing but slaves. Slaves to the democrat party. Most vote for a party that promises them free things. They have no pride and weren't raised properly by decent people. They love being dependents which means they are slaves and are not equals. Good decent people are ashamed to be peons paupers who can't make it own their own.

  11. Nothing like an old white rich guy making that statement after his disastrous Crime Bill. He has Been in DC for 50 years but some how has a net worth of 25 million not including anything off shore or in China. My question is what has Biden been selling to make that kind of money ?? He has never wrote a book on turning 100k a year into 25 million? His only job has been a politician.


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